
Metaconid (metaconidum; meta- + Greek konos cone + -eides similar) is one of the main tubercles on the chewing surface of mammalian teeth. The metaconid is located on the medial side of the crown of the lower molars and serves as the opposing cusp to the paraconid of the upper molars.

The metaconid is one of the four main elements that form the chewing surface of the lower molars. Together with the paraconid, protoconid and hypoconid, the metaconid forms a characteristic tooth relief, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the species of the animal. The shape and size of the metaconid may vary depending on the feeding type of the mammal.

Metaconids are complex compounds that consist of several carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They have a conical shape and are among the most abundant organic compounds in nature.

Metaconids were discovered back in the 18th century and have since been the subject of numerous studies. Currently, more than 500 species of metaconids are known, which are found in various parts of the world.

One of the best known groups of metaconids are the terpenoids. Terpenoids are a group of compounds that contain hydrocarbon rings in their structure, interconnected by various bonds. Among the terpenoids, we can distinguish such well-known compounds as camphene, menthol, pinene, limonene and many others.

Terpenoids are widely used in medicine, perfumery and the food industry. They have a wide range of biological properties such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antioxidant.

However, despite numerous studies, the mechanism of action of metaconids still remains poorly understood. Some scientists believe that metaconids may play an important role in regulating metabolism and cell function.

In conclusion, metaconids are an important group of organic compounds with a wide range of biochemical properties. They are the subject of numerous studies aimed at studying their role in biological processes and finding new applications in medicine and other fields.