
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before fetal viability. It can be spontaneous or artificial.

Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) occurs for natural reasons, most often due to pathology of fetal development or maternal diseases.

An artificial abortion is performed at the request of the woman or for medical reasons when continuing the pregnancy is dangerous to the health and life of the mother.

Abortions are performed only in medical institutions by a medical specialist. Criminal abortion in unsterile conditions is dangerous to the life and health of a woman.

Abortion has a negative impact on reproductive function. Frequent abortions increase the risk of infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and premature birth.

Preventing unwanted pregnancy is an important task in reproductive health. Modern contraception and sex education are effective methods.

**Abortion** is the forced termination of pregnancy in the early stages, with or without the use of various medical methods. This process is based on disruption of the natural course of pregnancy and premature removal of the fetus and/or membranes from the body. The use of this term has spread with the discovery of previously unknown genetic disorders and defects in fetal development, which is why abortion is often called “termination of pregnancy.”

Since ancient times, humanity has been fighting for the legalization of a woman’s right to choose: to remain pregnant or to have an abortion. There were a number of misconceptions associated with the concept of “abortion.” When talking about desired pregnancies, the public tends to romanticize them, but the reality is much rougher and more down-to-earth. Even though society has become more tolerant of abortion, it is still considered immoral and illegal. However, in general, the issue of access to safe abortion continues to be the focus of attention in many states and plays an important role in maintaining public health.

What is the biological significance of a woman - to be a mother, to bear and give birth to children? It is the mother who is the main link between generations. Without it, there would be no society, family, people, statehood. Mother's love determines a person's entire life: the baby's first smile, the first words, and the very first meeting. And since society is obliged to ensure maternal duty, without giving moral principles above the truth of life. Therefore, this area is one of the most important, and the very expression “let man be born!” is an oath expression of human truth.

The natural right of people of all nationalities to freedom and equality before the law is embodied in the prohibition of discrimination based on gender. A modern woman is equal to a modern man in her rights. Both sexes have equal rights when sentencing them by a court verdict, regardless of whether they perform compulsory labor or themselves bear financial responsibility for the harm caused.

An important role in solving this global problem is played by the media, which, with their authority and moral potential, are called upon to contribute to the protection of maternal