Stroke, Apoplexy

Title: Stroke, Apoplexy

Apoplexy, cerebral stroke, is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation with damage to brain tissue and disruption of its functions. The main causes of stroke are hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis. Stroke can also occur with other vascular diseases, rheumatism, blood diseases, etc. A distinction is made between hemorrhagic stroke, in which hemorrhage occurs in the brain, and ischemic stroke, which occurs as a result of ischemia (anemia), which is accompanied by softening of the brain tissue - cerebral infarction.

Although in most patients a stroke occurs suddenly, it is often preceded by so-called precursors. For example, with hypertension and atherosclerosis, noise and heaviness in the head, headache and dizziness increase. In general, the manifestations of a stroke are caused by the localization of hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, which in turn entails disturbances in the corresponding brain functions.

Effective treatment of the consequences of a stroke is possible only in a neurological hospital. At home, it is extremely difficult to conduct the necessary research, provide treatment and care for the patient, and