
Abrahia is a medical term for the complete absence of arms in a person or animal. This term comes from the Greek word "brachion", which means "arm", and the prefix "a-" in front of it indicates the absence of this organ.

Abrachia is a rare birth defect that can be caused by genetic disorders, fetal abnormalities, maternal infections during pregnancy, or other factors. In some cases, abrachia may be part of syndromes such as Goldenhar syndrome, Golston syndrome or Edwards syndrome.

Although abrachia is considered a serious and incurable disease, modern medicine can offer patients suffering from this defect a number of solutions to help them adapt to life without arms. Such solutions include the use of prosthetics that can replace the functions of the hands in everyday life, special devices that allow you to control various household appliances, as well as physical exercises and special training that help strengthen muscles and develop coordination of movements.

However, abrachia remains a serious challenge for patients and their loved ones, and requires many years of rehabilitation and support from medical professionals and the environment. The development of new technologies and methods of rehabilitation is an important task for modern medicine, which can improve the quality of life of patients suffering from this defect.