Muscle, Costal Back (M. Costalis Dorsi)

The costalis dorsi muscle, also known as the costalis dorsi muscle, is one of the important back muscles that plays a key role in maintaining correct body posture and movement of the upper limbs.

Anatomically, the costal dorsal muscle starts from the last six ribs and runs down the spine. It includes two parts: internal and external. The inner part of the muscle is attached to the spine, and the outer part is attached to the ribs. This muscle is also connected to other back muscles such as the neck and lower back muscles.

The costal dorsal muscle plays an important role in various movements of the upper limbs, such as raising the arms and turning the torso. This muscle also helps maintain correct body posture by helping to keep the back upright.

In addition, the costal back muscle can be affected in certain diseases, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other spinal disorders. In these conditions, the muscle may become painful and spasm, which can lead to pain and limited movement.

Overall, the costal dorsi muscle plays an important role in maintaining a healthy back and promoting proper body posture. Her regular exercise and stretching will help keep her healthy and functional throughout her life.