Brain Abscess Metastatic

Metastatic brain abscess (brain abscess m) is a complication that occurs due to the spread of tumor cells from the primary focus to the brain. Brain abscesses can have a variety of causes, including cerebral hemorrhages, vascular abnormalities, infections, and other processes that impair blood circulation in the brain.

When tumor cells

A brain abscess is a purulent inflammation of brain tissue that occurs due to infection entering through the membrane of the head. This disease can be caused by a variety of reasons, including injury, infection, tumors, etc. Signs and symptoms of a brain abscess may include severe headache, nausea and vomiting, loss of memory and coordination, visual and hearing problems, and changes in behavior . Treatment for a brain abscess usually involves surgical removal of the pus and antibiotics to fight the infection. Often this disease ends in disability or death of the patient. Brain abscesses are among the most severe and serious complications of inflammatory processes affecting brain tissue. These formations are filled with pus, which appears as a result of the body's reaction to an infectious lesion. However, under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment for an abscess without consulting a specialist.