Anus Praeternaturalis Single-barreled

Anus praeternaturalis single-barrel is one of the rarest forms of surgical pathologies, leading to the formation of only one canal in the rectum. This pathology can occur in adults and children, although it is more common in children. There are several forms of this pathology associated with the development of the disease, its course and therapy. There are four groups of diseases and associated syndromes to which this pathology belongs:

1. Increased tone of the internal sphincter, leading to its incomplete closure during defecation - Sphincter Praeternaturatis Dilatatus (Prenatalis). 2. Disruption of the normal structure of the anal canal due to an anomaly in the development of the anal entrance and peri-rectal area - Rectoanal Fistula (Rectoanal Praetertantaliformis). 3. A combination of these 3 pathological conditions. 4. Other, less common forms of this disease.

Treatment and diagnosis of this pathology is carried out by specialists in surgical medical institutions, clinics, special centers and medical shelters for the treatment of children with pathologies of the digestive system and sections of the esophagus and other developmental defects of the abdominal and pelvic organs.

According to the available information about the causes and risk factors, the following possible causes can be identified that cause the development of Anus pratenaturalis. - Genetic disorders. The practice of examining such patients indicates the very recessive nature of this hereditary disease. There were no obvious cases of genetic transmission, but a connection was shown (albeit not sufficient evidence) with disturbances in the intrauterine development of the fetus during the mother's pregnancy (in the first trimester), as a result of which the newborn may subsequently develop intestinal pathology. - Availability

Introduction Anus praetentralis (Latin for “false butt” - the meaning of the term is rarely remembered) is one of the oldest and most dangerous surgical operations to remove part of the rectum along with the perianal skin. Which is also taking place today. This type of operation can be performed by both experienced specialists and beginners. The operation has both positive and negative sides.

Negative aspects 1. High mortality 2. Perceptible suture in the area of ​​removal 3. Long healing of sutures 4. Possibility of hernias 5. Correction of scars 6. Spoils a person’s appearance 7. Surgical consequences.