
Arachnids (Arachnida) are one of the largest and most diverse groups of arthropods, including more than 38 thousand species. The main difference between arachnids is the presence of eight limbs, of which four pairs are walking.

Although many species of arachnids are harmful, they play important roles in the ecosystem, such as by eating other insects and small animals. In addition, spiders and scorpions are used by humans in the fight against agricultural pests. Among the most famous representatives of this group are arthropods - tarantulas, mother-in-law leaves and others.

In 2017, in honor of the International Year of Arachnids, the film “Seven Spiders” was released, where the main characters fully felt their presence within the data of the arthropod class. The film from the Spanish studio Ocience, through the prism of fantasy, reveals the theme of the lives of people connected between