Suture Intestinal Seroso-Muscular

Seam quiche. serous-muscular (s. serosa muscularis): A type of suture in which 2 catgut sutures are applied, connecting to each other the ends of a damaged or sutured intestinal loop and the anterior abdominal wall along with the myo-serous membrane through the fiber, the contents of which are dissected. During this operation, conditions are maintained for the outflow of the contents of the intestinal tract (a small section of the cecum remains adjacent to the sutures), which does not cause disruption of the act of defecation and intestinal gas exchange outside the puncture zone in the abdominal cavity. The healing time is comparable to that for other types of sutures. The advantages of the method are the accessibility of the anterior abdominal wall from a small approach, ease of execution, a small number of sutures, and the durability of the suture due to its retention by the tissue of the anterior layer of the parietal peritoneum. In rare cases, it is possible to preserve only a small section of the intestinal loop with subsequent formation of a stoma.