Abscess Paraurethral

Paraurethral abscess (lat. abscessus paraurethralis) is an infectious inflammatory process of the paraurethra or the area near the urethra in women, which develops as a result of an inflammatory reaction of the genitourinary system. The cause of this condition is the penetration of bacteria, fungi or viruses into the affected area, which leads to the accumulation of purulent fluid and the development of an abscess. Paraurethral abscess most often affects women of childbearing age, and both active and passive homosexual relationships can be one of the causes of damage to the urinary tract.

A paraurethral abscess is manifested by acute pain in the area above the pubis or to the side of it, where the urethra passes into the urethra. Sometimes the abscess can be one-sided and resemble ovarian disease. Abscesses are acute, with pronounced manifestations, but some of them can occur in a latent form, especially if the formation is small. In the acute course of a paraurethral abscess in the anterior vaginal fornix, due to inflammation of the hyperemic area of ​​the fold of the vaginal wall, symptoms of urethritis may appear - discharge of a bloody-purulent mixture to the outside, difficulty urinating, blood in the urine. The presence of blood in the urine is observed to varying degrees with severe inflammation of all layers of the wall of the parauterial fistula. It is strictly forbidden to carry out hygienic procedures in the genital area for women during the discharge of blood from the genital tract against the background of inflammation; it is necessary to carry out carefully