Liver Abscess Ascariasis

Ascolid liver abscess is a pathological process in the liver caused by focal aseptic infection and accompanied by the formation of a limited cavity in the liver parenchyma. The disease is rare; chronic, occurs without significant symptoms and is quickly complicated by purulent inflammation. In some cases, the causative agent of the abscess is Ascaris lumbricoides, which enters the liver through the blood or lymph flow through the porta hepatis. More common is the infiltrative nature of the course with a small local inflammatory halo.

Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately after infection. At first, ordinary complaints may appear related to the underlying disease - cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gastrointestinal tract infection, etc. Then new symptoms appear:

* feeling of heaviness and fullness in the right hypochondrium; * moderately high body temperature (average 38 degrees); * sleep disturbance;

After a few days, general weakness and increased sweating may occur.