Absence Pure

Absences - attacks of loss of consciousness, which will be discussed in this article, are much less common in children than simple absences. They can be genetically determined and due to intrauterine infection of the fetus. In children older than one year, they can manifest themselves in the form of isolated attacks. They are caused by metabolic disorders, sclerosis of the cerebral hemispheres, endocrine pathology, etc.

As you get older, seizures begin to become more frequent. However, in most patients over 6 years of age, absence seizures rarely occur and there is even a high probability of their cancellation. Absence pure is one of the types of complex absence seizures. Manifestations of this disorder are most typical for girls. There are classic seizures, reminiscent of absence seizures, which have their own characteristics. An epileptic attack begins due to long-term visions of vertical multi-colored lines before the eyes. In this case, the patient can be in any position at the moment: sitting, standing or lying down. However, there is no movement of the limbs or head. The attack lasts about a few seconds, and at the very end of the disease – 14-16 years. During this period, the disease can be dangerous due to its complications. The described disorder is classified as a focal (in other words, simple) seizures with an established cause of development - stress and trauma.