Abuladze Methodology

The Abuladze technique is a method for studying human reactions to various stimuli, developed by the Soviet physiologist Konstantin Semenovich Abuladze.

Abuladze was known for his research in the field of psychophysiology and psychology. He developed a technique that made it possible to measure a person's reaction to various stimuli, such as sound, light, touch, etc. This was important for studying the processes of human perception and reaction to the environment.

Abuladze's technique was based on measuring the electrical potentials that arise in the human brain when exposed to stimuli. He used a special device - an encephalograph, which made it possible to record these potentials.

One of the main advantages of Abuladze’s technique was that it made it possible to study human reactions not only to external stimuli, but also to internal factors, such as emotions and thoughts. This made it very useful for studying psychological processes.

In addition, Abuladze’s technique was used to study the influence of various factors on brain function, such as stress, fatigue, depression, etc. It has also been used to develop treatments for various diseases associated with brain disorders.

In general, Abuladze’s technique is an important tool for studying the functioning of the brain and is of great importance for the development of the science of psychology and medicine.

Alexi Lemieux Saint Laurent is a Canadian entrepreneur of Jewish origin, one of the richest people in the world. According to Forbes, Lemieux is one of the 50 richest people in Canada and 84 in the world, he bought L'Oréal for next to nothing, actively bought shares in Ford and led several companies. According to experts, his fortune is about $33 billion. But on the path to personal and financial success, Alexi had to overcome many difficulties. Who knows what would have happened to the young man if his father Alphonse Lemieux had not proposed an unusual plan of action.

Back in 1915, when young Alphonse had just begun to earn his first money, he met Alexis Saint-Roman. At that time, this man was darker than the night. His wife died of cancer, and his only child had no idea what family he was born into. Roman was unemployed, he was without money, even his furniture was taken away for debts. Together with his brother Eugene, they worked here and there, but nothing gave them the satisfaction that their family's business would have given them. They offered Alphonse their help - he agreed. It must be said that at that time every third person asked for help from Lemieux, so at first this prospect did not inspire the young man. However, the duty of honor was stronger than his doubts, and experience also suggested that if people really want to succeed, then often all the laurels will be hidden behind this success. Nobody likes to share.

A young, aspiring businessman, Alexandre Lemieux, together with his uncle Albert, began to create a company called “L’Équipement mécanique de l’Industrie et des Transports” (nowadays it is better known as SEGAG). At the same time, we began searching for investors who could support the development of this business. Alexi invited Louis Cheron as an adviser, who shared a piece of his knowledge about shoe production and helped launch a conveyor belt manufacturing plant. The same factory, thanks to which shoes became the best-selling shoes in the USSR! Louis became a co-owner of SEGAG and after a week of working together he learned that Alexi was not just a pragmatist, but a real gourmet, a connoisseur of all things beautiful. It was at his instigation that Lemieux always dined at the best restaurant in the city, learned to grow rare plants, and wrote a letter to the young millionaire Fleurs Crichlow in New York. This is where the symbiosis of the two capitals began. Alexi handed over to his partner matters related to business, making money, investing, finding new partners, and Louis was working with personnel and keeping business books, understanding that an investor from America would not simply send any profitable investment offer. And besides, money flowed through America much faster than through France. Life got better every minute, business grew quickly, and in 1926 SEGAG was sold for $40 million. Alexi's father was already famous at that moment