
Akatamathesia can be healthy or reverse. In the first case, symptoms appear in the presence of pathologies. In the second condition, the patient experiences unpleasant feelings while in full health. This disorder is extremely rare and most often occurs due to serious health problems.

In modern psychology, acatamathesia is usually divided into primary and secondary. There is also a difference in the nature of the manifestation. There is a genetic theory of the occurrence of the disease when they talk about primary pathology. The reverse process caused by another pathology is called secondary acatamathyesia. Over time, the disorder progresses. When painful sensations appear constantly and cannot be treated, they speak of chronic acatamateisia. Less commonly, pain increases during movement. The described condition occurs in people experiencing disturbances in the functioning of the motor parts of the brain. Patients suffer from coordination between body movements and sensations. Differences between the right and left hemispheres gradually accumulate due to incorrectly performed movements. A distorted perception of the surrounding world appears while standing on your feet. The behavior of others is perceived distorted. The imbalance is more pronounced on the right or left.

In cases of the development of acatamasia, when the curvature is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the left part of the cerebral cortex, we are talking about a right-sided disorder. An overdeveloped right side causes a left-sided disorder.

Akatamateia is the absence of a sense of self as a person, body or anything else. This is a fairly rare mental disorder, the essence of which is that a person has no sense of personality, of his own identity. Acatamasia appears mainly in childhood, but can also occur in adults, regardless of the person’s character. In addition, it may be accompanied by a number of other syndromes that cover various mental disorders.