Accident prevention

A large number of injuries and deaths can be prevented by following simple rules and regulations. Based on them, you can save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
1. Make sure your
car (brake, steering system
topic, tire inflation, status about
tector, etc.).
2. Follow traffic rules
movement (watch for exchange signs
speed, stop, signal
traffic lights, etc.).
3. If your car has belts without
bake, fasten them and watch,
so that your passengers do the same
4. Make sure that children whose weight is
the other 18 kg were also securely fastened.
5. Don’t drive after drinking alcohol.
goals; make sure in advance that you
got a ride.
6. Pedestrians must cross the road
ki in specially designated places or behind
instructions from the regulator.
7. If you have to walk along a road where from
real sidewalk, walk on the side of the road facing
towards moving traffic. IN
in the evening, put on some
bright clothes.
8. Secure all items in
Despite precautions, accidents on the roads still happen. If you find yourself in such an event or decide to come to the rescue, follow these rules.