
Country of origin: Germany, Immunopreparat Russia, Zt-Arzneimittel Hemische Tempelhof GmbH Germany

Pharm-Group: Mucolytic agents

Manufacturers: Berlin-Chemie AG (Germany), Immunopreparat (Russia), Tst-Artznaimittel Hemische Tempelhof GmbH (Germany)

International name: Acetylcysteine

Synonyms: Acetylcysteine ​​Sediko effervescent instant, Acetylcysteine ​​Stada, Acetylcysteine ​​Stada International, Acetylcysteine-Hemofarm, ACC, ACC 100, ACC injection., ACC-100, ACC-200, ACC-long, ACC-long, Muco Sanigen, Mukobene, Mucomist, Mukonex, Tussicom, Fluimuci

Dosage forms: tablets 100 mg, solution for inhalation 400 mg, oral granules, solution for injection 5%, solution for injection 10%, effervescent tablets 600 mg

Composition: Active substance - acetylcysteine.

Indications for use: Difficulty secreting sputum (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis), bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, complications during operations on the respiratory system (prevention), paracetamol poisoning (as an antidote).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, tendency to pulmonary bleeding, hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, bronchial asthma (without thickening of sputum), diseases of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, pregnancy.

Side effects: Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, urticaria.

Interaction: Increases (mutually) the effect of bronchodilators. Reduces the absorption of penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines (the interval between doses should be at least 2 hours). Pharmaceutically incompatible with antibiotics and proteolytic enzymes; upon contact with metals and rubber, it forms sulfides with a characteristic odor.

Overdose: No information.

Special instructions: In patients with broncho-obstructive syndrome (develops quite often against the background of increased bronchospasm), acetylcysteine ​​must be combined with bronchodilators. Do not allow contact with metals, rubber, oxygen, or easily oxidized substances.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines, 10th edition, 2003.