
Acystia is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. This disease is not life-threatening, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Patients complain of pain when urinating and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, leaving them feeling deprived. In this article we will look at the main causes of cystitis, symptoms, complications, and treatment of this disease. ACYSTITIS - inflammation of the bladder mucosa (as opposed to cystitis - inflammation of the bladder). Translated from Latin, a means negation, cyst means bladder, so the name of the disease, or rather inflammation, ends in “thyus” - “vesical”. That is, it is not just the bladder that suffers - its entire mucous membrane becomes inflamed. It includes a number of diseases and inflammatory processes of both infectious and other origins, such as: 1. human immunodeficiency disease (HIV); 2. herpes simplex; 3. candidiasis; 4. bacterial vaginosis; 5. viral papillomatosis; 6. urethritis; 7. vulvitis; 8. bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin gland located near the labia); 9. epididymitis and others. Often, the cause of exacerbation of cystia is untreated infections of the reproductive system. It is difficult to independently determine for what reason exacerbations of the disease occur, since it can be caused by specific or nonspecific viruses, but, nevertheless, such a connection is very often traced. A qualified doctor will help you determine the cause of bladder inflammation, and subsequently prescribe the most adequate, effective treatment. The number of microorganisms in the bladder (and this is the basis for the development of acidity) can be reduced or increased by three parameters: the level of proteinuria (urea), glucose content and the speed of the pH environment in the urine.