Acne Keloidea

**Acne koloïde**, or caleoic acne, is a group of dermatological diseases that affect teenage and adult skin. Although the disease usually appears in young people, it can occur at any age. After receiving early treatment for acne coloid, complete cure and/or a rapid reduction in recurrences is possible. This article covers the most frequently asked questions about acne cologoida and also provides basic information about diagnosing and treating the condition.

What is acne koloida?

Acne-koida is a clinical picture that includes acne-shaped eruptions and skin discoloration lesions, also known as kaleosis. These defects develop in place of the skin usually present on or around the head. Their reason lies in the following: acne coisode appears due to a genetic predisposition, and in more than 85% of cases it is the hereditary background that causes the development of the skin disease.

Try to identify the signs

Acne keloidalis nuchae is a dermatological condition that is characterized by the appearance of red bumps on the scalp and around the nape of the neck. These bumps can be painful and lead to poor circulation in the back of the head, which can cause headaches and dizziness.

The causes of acne keloidalis nuchei are not fully understood, but it is believed that the disease may be associated with genetic predisposition, disorders of the immune system, hormonal imbalance or infectious diseases.

When treating acne with kelodialys nuhei, it is important to consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. Treatment may include the use of local and systemic antiandrogen drugs, as well as corticosteroid ointments. In addition, it is necessary to maintain hygiene and avoid rubbing the skin in the occipital area. In severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the affected skin.

However, if you are suffering from acne keloidilis nuchem, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible, as the condition can lead to serious complications such as scarring and hypopigmentation. In addition, acne keloids can affect patients' self-esteem and quality of life.

Overall, you need to remember that regular skin care and maintaining skin health is the basis for preventing acne keledidlails nuhaay and other skin diseases. Therefore, if you are prone to acne, try to follow simple rules of care, avoid stress, eat right, do not smoke or abuse alcohol.