
Aconitine is a highly toxic alkaloid found in the tubers, roots, and other parts of the aconite plant. The alkaloid is highly cardiotoxic and causes arrhythmia and can also cause seizures and death. Aconite has been known since ancient times and was used in medicine to treat various diseases such as abdominal pain, fever and others.

Aconitine and its derivatives are still used in some medicines. For example, in China it is used to make drugs that help treat cancer and other diseases. However, due to their high toxicity, the use of these drugs should only be done under medical supervision.

In Russia, aconite is also used as a medicine, but its use is limited due to the high risk of side effects. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations when using aconite.

**Aconite and its some properties**

Aconite is a **poisonous plant**; its toxicity also affects animals, so this poison is not used for cooking. The stems, roots and leaves contain the poisonous alkaloid aconine, which, if ingested, causes paralysis, impairment