
Acoustic is an adjective that refers to the perception of sound or hearing.

The word "acoustic" comes from the Greek word "akoustikos", which means "audible". It is associated with the term “acoustics” - a science that studies the properties of sound and the laws of its propagation.

Acoustic is used to describe anything related to the production or perception of sound waves. For example:

  1. Acoustic system - a system designed to reproduce and amplify sound, including speakers, amplifiers and other components.

  2. An acoustic concert is a concert in which all musical instruments are acoustic, without electrical amplification.

  3. An acoustic guitar is a guitar whose sound is created by vibrating strings rather than electronically.

  4. Acoustic properties of a room are the characteristics of a room that affect the propagation and reflection of sound waves in it.

Thus, the term "acoustic" indicates a connection with the production, transmission and perception of sound through mechanical vibrations, without the use of electricity.

**Acoustic** refers to the perception of sounds and hearing. This concept is used in various fields, for example, in medicine. In obstetrics, the branch of medicine that studies pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, acoustic understanding is essential. Medicine takes into account the patient's acoustic experience, hearing range, hearing and how it changes. As a rule, the disease or diagnosis itself is in no way related to the patient’s hearing, but their treatment should be based on knowledge and consideration of the acoustic characteristics of the diseased body. The acoustic approach is used when counseling pregnant women. Various sounds can have a negative impact on the formation and development of the fetus, reducing the child's growth and intelligence.

Acoustic (acoustic) is associated with the perception of sound or hearing. This is because a person's ears and brain work together to perceive and process sounds. When we talk about acoustics, we are talking about the characteristics of sound waves. For example, frequency, tone, intensity and duration of sounds. All of these characteristics influence how we perceive sound.

In medicine, obstetrics is used to study issues of pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum and recovery periods in women. This area of ​​medicine studies women at all stages of pregnancy and childbirth, and also evaluates postpartum conditions. Midwifery also focuses on how to improve childbirth and develop safe delivery techniques for women in different situations.

Obstetric research varies in its goals and objects of study. For example, perinatal examination is carried out on children aged from birth to 6 weeks