Acoustic Holography

Acoustic holography is a method of obtaining three-dimensional images of individual areas inside the body using ultrasound waves, which allows you to obtain a more accurate and detailed picture of internal organs than other diagnostic methods, such as X-rays or computed tomography.

The principle of operation of the method is based on the fact that two different sound sources create ultrasonic waves inside the body, which are then reflected from certain areas. These reflected ultrasonic waves are recorded on a special sensitive film called a hologram, and after development, you can see a three-dimensional image of the area of ​​interest on the body.

Acoustic holography allows you to obtain more accurate data on the condition of internal organs and tissues, which can help in the diagnosis of many diseases, such as tumors, cysts, kidney stones and others. In addition, this method can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and monitor changes in the dynamics of the disease.

One of the main advantages of Acoustic holography is its safety for the patient, since it does not use X-rays or other radiation harmful to health. Also, this method does not require lengthy preparation of the patient and can be performed quickly and painlessly.

In general, Acoustic holography is an important tool in medicine and can become an indispensable assistant for doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

Acoustic holography is a method of obtaining three-dimensional images of human internal organs through the interference of sound waves that are reflected from organs and tissues. This technique was developed in the 1980s and has become one of the most popular medical imaging techniques.

The operating principle of acoustic holography is based on the use of ultrasonic waves that penetrate the human body and are reflected from internal organs. These waves then pass through a special optical system, which captures the interference pattern on a photographic plate. After developing this picture on the plate, a three-dimensional image of the internal organs can be obtained.

Acoustic holography has many advantages over other medical imaging techniques such as X-ray tomography or computed tomography. Firstly, it does not use x-rays, which can be hazardous to the patient's health. Secondly, it allows you to obtain more detailed images of internal organs than other methods.

One of the main advantages of acoustic holography is its ability to visualize organs that are not visible with other imaging techniques, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. For example, acoustic holography can help in diagnosing tumors, cysts and other diseases of internal organs.

However, acoustic holography also has some disadvantages. For example, it may be less accurate than a CT scan because it is difficult to visualize fine details. Additionally, this method can be expensive and requires special equipment.

Overall, acoustic holography is an important medical imaging technique that provides three-dimensional images of internal organs and helps in the diagnosis of many diseases. However, before using this method, it is necessary to take into account all its advantages and disadvantages, and also consult a doctor.

What is acoustic holography? Hologram Acoustics is based on the principle of holography. The hologram is created based on recording signal light waves and simulates an image obtained by superimposing different planes of “memory space”. In technology, the concept of “recording modulators” is used - recordings that create various forms of wave and pulse oscillations of varying intensity. The result of the hologram is the interference of the signal of all recorded vibrations.

Operating principle of optical holography:

When several flat ultrasonic fields are applied to the surface of a human organ, echo areas reflected by ultrasound are formed in it.