
Acumetry is a new way to assess sensory habilitation, which will help to effectively monitor the development of patients with sensory impairments, such as a blind spot, deafness and hearing loss, partial deafness, movement disorders and a number of other more complex symptoms.

So, acumetry using instruments to measure visible light and infrared radiation on the retina of the eye is very common in medical practice. At the same time, for blind people with limited sensory perception, the very opportunity to see a flash of light is of great importance and provides significant progress in restoring vision. Research shows that this can be achieved by imaging light pulses, which can be seen using special devices called "inverse oscilloscopes" and "false eyes." This method allows you to test the areas of the brain responsible for visual and auditory functions under difficult conditions.

Hearing acuity is assessed using acoustic hearing research methods. These are subjective methods for testing the acoustic properties of the hearing organs with recording the behavior of the tested person or changes in his psychophysiological states