Adaptation Test

An adaptation test is a method for early detection of the disease “tuberculous choroiditis”, which is based on the analysis of the violation of human dark adaptation in case of infection with tuberculin. This method can be used in the diagnosis of this disease and help professionals make a timely diagnosis and begin the necessary treatment of the patient. The adaptation test was developed by Russian scientists and


**_ADAPTATION TEST_** - a method for detecting mild forms of **tuberculosis** of the choroid of the eye; one of the methods of the diagnostic minimum in its determination. It is used to *assess the patient’s visual acuity* and determine damage to the visual organs ***tuberculosis*** and other nature. A specific medicine - a phosphatidylcholine-lipid mixture under pressure is used to improve blood circulation and increase the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues, in particular to the organ of vision. With tuberculosis, there is a difficulty in the blood supply to the retina with all the ensuing consequences for the eye itself. More **complex methods for diagnosing tuberculosis** are used for patients with lesions of the visual organs of moderate and high complexity. In addition to the main effect, the drugs used promote the resorption of blood clots and relieve vascular irritation. When **treating eye diseases** very often, medications must have a certain composition of microelements and optimal doses necessary for complete treatment and improvement of the retina. However, the doctor’s experience and the validity of certain