
Dysplasia is a condition in which the development of tissues and organs is impaired. Dysplasia can be caused by various factors such as genetic mutations, environmental exposures, infections and other diseases.

One of the most common types of dysplasia is cervical dysplasia. This disease can lead to cervical cancer if left untreated. Cervical dysplasia can be detected using a cytological examination of a cervical smear. If a woman is diagnosed with dysplasia, she needs to undergo additional examination and treatment.

Another example of dysplasia would be dental enamel dysplasia. This condition can lead to dental caries if left untreated. Tooth enamel dysplasia can be detected using dental x-rays. If a person is diagnosed with tooth enamel dysplasia, he needs to see a dentist for treatment.

Overall, dysplasia is a serious condition that can lead to serious consequences if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular medical examinations and examinations to detect dysplasia in the early stages and begin treatment as soon as possible.

In medicine, the term dysplasia is a **conventional concept** of the process of changes in the structure of tissues and organs, which does not always clearly determine their function and is sometimes difficult to distinguish from normal variants. Occurs normally (for example, mammary glands with areas of dysplasia). Most dysplasias are considered only deviations from the norm and do not pose a danger to human health if left unchecked.