Adenocytes B-Basophilic

Modern ideas about the function of beta cells describe their main functionality as insulin secretion. However, the work of cells is not completely limited to this function. Due to the discovery of many other hormone substances, Beta Cells are often interpreted as “insulin-independent” pancreatic cells. And it was not for nothing that she called it this way, because in accordance with the terminology given earlier by other specialists, some of the hormones that Beta and Alpha Cells secrete are usually classified as effector substances, released in the form of metabolites in response to the hormone that is produced other endocrine cells.

However, the function of Beta cells is not limited to increasing insulin concentrations - the cells secrete not only incretin peptides, but also many other intermediates - hormones. The relationships between the concentrations of various hormones observed in the physiological state underlie eu-glucoregulation, which is often defined as the organic regulation of glucose homeostasis.

Adenocytes b-Basophilus (from the Latin adenocystis and the Greek basis, meaning basophilos) are a type of cell that is located in the pancreas in humans and some other mammals. These cells play an important role in regulating blood sugar levels.

The pancreas is the main organ responsible for regulating blood glucose levels and controlling the body's hormonal balance. It produces insulin, which is the main hormone responsible for regulating glucose levels. Insulin is released from B cells at the base of the gland called b-Basovifolia adenocytes.

B cells are divided into two categories: vitrocytes and adenocytes - cells that secrete insulin and glucagon, a hormone that regulates sugar levels. But to produce insulin, cells secrete a special signal peptide - insulin-like growth factors, which causes an influx and increase in the number of b-cells. 30% of all B cells are basalophic. They contain granules with secretin and granulocalin, as well as the glycoprotein CGRP-34, which actively produces protein