
A photocytoscope is a medical device designed to diagnose diseases of the human urinary system. It was invented in the first half of the 20th century and is now used in urology departments.

A photocytoscope helps the doctor examine in detail the condition of the bladder, urethra and urinary canals. Usually the procedure does not take much time and is painless for the patient, since it does not require the use of anesthesia or sedation.

Thanks to advanced technologies and modern materials, the device ensures accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis, and a high degree of patient safety.

Using a cytoscope, the patient can see his dilated urethra and make sure that there are no cracks, ulcers, tumors or other changes in the urinary canals. The doctor, in turn, will be able to examine all these structures and assess their condition.

Often the patient does not know that ultrasound of the ureter is a very painful and unpleasant procedure. He is sure that when he is offered to do this research using a diagnostic method such as a photocytoscope, he will feel only bright flashes and that’s all. This is true, but the doctor will receive more information about the condition of the male genitourinary system as a whole. In addition, photocystoscopy is mainly performed in pediatric surgery, so the inconvenience experienced during the procedure is justified.

As for contraindications to photocystoscopic examination, there are none. In addition, this study can be performed on patients of any age, but in any case, it is better to first consult a doctor.