Adenoma Adamantenum

**Adenoma adamanthanum** is one of the most dangerous forms of breast cancer. This type of cancer usually affects people aged 45-50 years and has a high mortality and recurrence rate. The development of adenomatous adenoma of the mammary gland is a fairly common problem in modern oncology. This is due to the increased number of patients in these age groups, as well as an increase in the number of factors contributing to the occurrence of this type of tumor. However, in recent years, significant advances have been made in the field of early diagnosis and treatment, which can reduce the incidence of death of patients in cases of tumor detection in the early stages of development.

Adenoma adamantenum comes from the word *adamant**, which means “unyielding”. It is characterized by a high degree of aggressiveness, rapid growth and the development of metastases in other organs and tissues. This type of cancer primarily affects older women and those with weakened immune systems.

Diagnosis of adenoma adenoma