
Adept - Antibody-targeted enzyme prodrug therapy: an emerging method for cancer treatment

Adept represents a new approach to the treatment of cancer based on the use of antibody-targeted enzymes. The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. The patient is injected with a complex of antibody-enzymes that selectively bind to tumor cells. These antibodies allow enzymes to be delivered directly to the tumor.

  2. The patient is then given a prodrug, an inactive compound that does not have a therapeutic effect on its own.

  3. Under the action of enzymes delivered by antibodies to the tumor, the prodrug is converted into an active cytotoxic form directly in the tumor area.

  4. The active form of the drug begins to destroy tumor cells, while practically not affecting healthy tissues of the body.

Thus, the Adept technology makes it possible to achieve high selectivity of the action of chemotherapeutic drugs due to targeted delivery and local activation of the prodrug in the tumor. This makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy. Currently, the Adept method is being actively developed and is considered as a promising approach to targeted therapy for cancer.

ADEPT is an antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy, a cancer treatment method that is becoming increasingly popular in modern medicine. This method is based on the use of an antibody-enzyme complex that acts on tumor cells and causes their destruction. The patient is then injected with a prodrug, which is converted to its active form only after interaction with enzyme antibodies.

What is the operating principle of ADEPT? First of all, the patient is injected with a complex of antibody-enzymes aimed at specific tumor antigens. These antibodies bind to tumor cells and begin to affect them. Then a prodrug is introduced - a drug that cannot independently cause the death of tumor cells, but when interacting with antibodies, it turns into an active cytotoxic form. This form accumulates around the tumor and destroys it without affecting healthy tissue.

Advantages of ADEPT:

– Highly effective – ADEPT can be used to treat many types of cancer, including breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and others.
– Safety – the method does not cause side effects associated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
– Low toxicity – prodrugs have low toxicity, which allows for long-term treatment.
– Possibility of individual selection of treatment – ​​when selecting ADEPTA, the individual characteristics of the patient are taken into account, such as age, gender, presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

Although ADEPT is a relatively new cancer treatment, it has already been shown to be effective in a number of clinical trials. However, more research needs to be done and the technology needs to be improved before this method can be widely used.

Adepts: a new direction in science It is no secret that cancer is one of the most common and dangerous diseases of our time. Millions of people are faced with this disease every year and are looking for new methods of treating it. One such method is prodrug therapy, which will be discussed in this article.

Adepts are antibody-targeted enzymes that are part of this therapy. They are used to treat some types of cancer, particularly prostate, breast and recurrent ovarian cancer. Adepts have the ability to bind tumor antigens, thereby preventing the growth of tumors. In the early stages of the process, they work as inhibitors of cell division, and in the later stages of the process - as agents of destruction of tumor cells.

The process consists of two stages. First, the patient is injected with a complex of antibody-targeting enzymes that directly bind to tumor antigens. The patient then takes a prodrug (pro-drug), which binds to antibodies in the intestines and is released after administration. This pro-drug works similarly to the active form of the drug used in chemotherapy. However, if we use conventional drugs instead of adepts, then the drug molecules simply pass through the patient's body and have no effect.

The main advantage of Adepts is that they act more accurately and selectively on tumor tissue than traditional treatment methods. Another advantage is that Adepts do not need to introduce huge amounts of toxic substances into the patient's body.

In conclusion, prodrug therapy using antibody-targeted adept enzyme is