
Conversion is the process of turning a website visitor into a buyer or client. This is an indicator of the effectiveness of a marketing strategy and one of the key metrics in Internet marketing.

Website conversion is the ratio of the number of visitors who performed a certain action to the total number of visitors. For example, the conversion rate of an online store can be defined as the number of customers who made a purchase on the site in relation to the total number of visitors.

Main stages of the conversion process:

  1. Attracting visitors to the site. To do this, you can use various advertising and promotion channels, such as contextual advertising, social networks, email newsletters, etc.
  2. Getting to know the product or service. A visitor must learn about a product or service to determine if it is right for them. To do this, you can post information about the product, its advantages and features on the website.
  3. Purchase decision. The visitor makes a purchase decision by studying the information on the site and comparing it with other offers.
  4. Placing an order. The visitor places an order on the website or by phone, indicating his contact information and payment details.
  5. Payment for the order. After placing an order, the visitor pays for it using one of the available payment methods.
  6. Delivery of goods or services. After payment for the order, the product or service is delivered to the buyer using the method chosen by him.
  7. After-sales service. After receiving a product or service, the buyer can seek help or advice if necessary.
  8. Customer retention. To retain customers, you can use loyalty programs, discounts and promotions, as well as provide quality service and support.

To increase website conversion, you can use the following methods:

– Optimization of website content and design. The site should be easy to read, understandable and attractive to visitors.
– Using landing pages. Landing pages are pages on a website that are aimed at attracting specific visitors, such as product detail pages, testimonial pages, or promotions and discounts pages.
– Creation of feedback forms.

In psychology and psychiatry, the concept of “convergence” refers to the process of contact, merger, fusion of a substance or formation with another object, resulting in the unification of some of their properties. Thus, convergence shows the convergence in some respect and the interaction of two different views, ideas, opinions.

Conversion is one of the basic concepts in psychoanalysis and the psychology of illness. In psychoanalytic theory, it is believed that the conflict between the individual and the environment can manifest itself not only in conscious actions, but also in the unconscious. Conversion is one such manifestation where the conflict is expressed through physical symptoms rather than through behavior or speech.
