What is the danger of human papillomavirus type 56?

The content of the article:
  1. What is HPV type 56
  2. Routes of infection
  3. How it manifests itself
    1. In men
    2. Among women
  4. Treatment options for HPV 56
    1. Therapeutic approach
    2. Traditional methods
    3. Destructive therapy
  5. Reviews about the treatment of HPV type 56

Human papillomavirus type 56 is a fairly common strain that can affect both men and women at any age. Its causative agent was identified and thoroughly studied only in the second half of the 20th century. According to research, this is one of the culprits of cancer along with HPV type 51.

What is HPV type 56 and why is it dangerous?

HPV 56 is one of the subtypes of the oncogenic papillomavirus, and of all, it is the most dangerous for humans. Clinical data show that approximately 1/3 of all men and women become infected with it by the end of the first year of intimate life with a partner if he is a carrier.

The danger of human papillomavirus type 56 lies in the high probability of damage to the human reproductive system.

Thus, with a long presence in the body of women, with vigorous activity and lack of proper treatment, it can cause malignant neoplasms in the vulva, cervical erosion, carcinoma and neoplasia of the cervical canal.

In pregnant women, the virus can cause miscarriage or provoke premature birth. If it is not suppressed before the baby is born, it will become possible for the baby to become infected.

In men, when papillomavirus type 56 is activated, the risk of growth of malignant and benign tumors in the rectum, prostate, and penis increases. They, like women, in addition, may develop a large number of papillomas and warts on the body.

Papillomavirus type 56 strain weakens the immune system, makes the body less resistant to the effects of various infectious agents. Because of this, the likelihood of contracting influenza, hepatitis, and tuberculosis becomes much higher.

Note! The penetration of this type of HPV into the body promotes the activation of fungi and bacteria, worsening the general condition.

Read also about oncogenic types of HPV: human papillomavirus type 16 and strain 18

Routes of infection with HPV 56

In first place in terms of the frequency of spread of papillomavirus type 56 are unprotected sex. This is especially true for those who lead a disordered intimate life, often changing sexual partners. But in some cases, infection can also occur when using protective equipment, for example, if the integrity of the condom is broken. HPV type 52 infection occurs in the same way.

The HPV 56 strain poses the greatest threat when a man ejaculates into a woman’s vagina. This is due to the fact that it is in semen that the virus content is highest. But those couples who simply touch their mucous membranes during coitus can also become its carrier.

Oral sex and insertion of the penis into the partner’s oral cavity are also dangerous. It is even more necessary to be careful if a man has not previously performed hygiene procedures using soap.

It is not excluded household method transmission of papillomavirus type 56, but the risk is so low that doctors almost never take it seriously. If infection occurs this way, it is only when using towels and other personal items that have traces of the virus. The fact is that it quickly dies in the environment and cannot exist outside of humans for a long time.

Immediately after human papillomavirus type 56 enters the body, people become its carriers and pose a danger to others. The activation of the infectious agent is facilitated by bad habits, immunodeficiency, constant stress, frequent hypothermia, hormonal imbalances, unfavorable environmental conditions and work in chemical plants.

How does human papillomavirus type 56 manifest?

Regardless of the reason for the activation of the virus, symptoms do not appear immediately. It has one important feature: the incubation period after infection can last from several weeks to 2-3 years. The stronger a person’s immunity, the slower the development of the disease. Symptoms usually appear gradually and intensify as the situation worsens.

Manifestations of HPV 56 in men

At the very beginning, a person infected with type 56 papillomavirus may experience discomfort when passing urine, slight bleeding after coitus, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and pain in the hypogastrium.

After infection, the virus may subside for a certain period of time, but over time, under the influence of a number of circumstances, it quite often becomes active again. In this case, pointed processes are localized on the penis, in the area of ​​the foreskin. They can also spread throughout the body - arms, legs, neck, back, face.

How does HPV type 56 manifest in women?

The most common clinical manifestation of papillomavirus type 56 in women, as well as in men, are papillomas and warts. In addition to this, genital warts may occur. They can be single or multiple and are observed mainly in the labia area.

In women, human papillomavirus type 56 most often manifests itself in the form of condylomas, which look like fairly large neoplasms on the mucous membrane, have almost the same color and an uneven, heterogeneous surface. Their diameter can vary from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters. Outwardly, they resemble a large accumulation of small bubbles.

Important! Diagnosis of papillomavirus is carried out through PCR analysis. Women may need to be screened for cervical cancer to rule out the disease.
  1. Read also the description of the drug "Solcoderm" for papillomas

Methods of treating HPV type 56

You need to start acting immediately after such a dangerous human papillomavirus type 56 is detected in the body, because the longer it stays there, the more difficult it will be to recover. For prevention purposes, during treatment it is recommended to limit sexual contact and use protective equipment. It is also important to avoid hypothermia, stress, lack of sleep and bad habits, and to normalize your diet.

Therapeutic approach in the treatment of HPV 56

This method involves taking medications orally, orally, using injection solutions or external agents. The course of treatment lasts on average from 1 to 4 weeks.

First of all, for human papillomavirus type 56, tablets are prescribed, for example, Immunal or its fairly effective substitutes - Echinacea-Ratiopharm, Immunoplus, Ergoferon.

A universal drug that can suppress the development of the virus is Lavomax, which combines both anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. It is available without a prescription and is taken for at least 10 days with a break of 2 days. It can be replaced with Liasten in tablet form.

Syrups and drops improve immunity well Immuno-Tone, Immunal, echinacea tincture in alcohol. All this can be used either in addition to each other or as an alternative.

In severe cases, injections may be needed. The most effective solutions for injections for papillomavirus type 56 include: Cycloferon. Its good analogues are Liasten, Allokin-alpha and Neovir. They are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously according to the instructions in the amount of 5-7 injections per course lasting 12 days. These drugs can be replaced with Immunomax, which is used once a day for 10 days.

Among external agents, we can especially highlight Panavir, designed to lubricate affected areas. Its analogue is Viferon, in the absence of which Epigen Intim can also be used. To do this, you need to use a sterile bandage or cotton wool soaked in the product, which should be used to wipe the problem surfaces 2-3 times a day.

If there is a high probability of degeneration of papillomas in a person of type 56 into malignant formations, injections of cytostatics are usually given to suppress tumor growth and destroy it. A fairly popular drug is Herceptin, intended for infusion, or its analogue Rituximab. Vinblastine can also be used.

Note! It is impossible to completely get rid of human papillomavirus type 56; it is only possible to suppress its activity. To do this, the body must be strong enough and have good immunity. Otherwise, it will not be able to fight the infectious agent.

Traditional methods of treating HPV 56

Treatment of human papillomavirus type 56 in women and men should be aimed primarily at strengthening the immune system. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a mixture of walnuts, prunes, dried apricots (100 g each), a whole lemon with zest and honey (2 tbsp.). It should be taken 2 tbsp. l. every morning before meals for 10 days.

Here are some recipes to fight the virus:

  1. With spruce needles. Pour boiling water over it (2 tbsp), add cold water (300 ml) and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes. Then cool the product, strain it and take 100 ml orally with honey once a day. Continue treatment for at least a week.
  2. With lemon. Squeeze the juice from this fruit (take it whole), combine it with aloe juice (100 g), honey (80 g) and chopped walnuts (0.3 kg). Pour vodka (250 ml) over all components and place the container with them in a dark place. Keep the product here for 24 hours. Take it 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  3. With herbs. For papilloma virus type 56, mix 1 tsp. St. John's wort and yarrow, add chopped dry rose hips (200 g) to them. Then melt butter (300 g) and honey (500 g) in a water bath. Combine all ingredients, stir the mixture and take 1 tbsp. l. twice a day for 10 days.
  4. With wine. Grind the peeled ginger root and calamus, mix them (25 g each) with dry white wine (1 l), pour the product into a jar, cover and keep in the refrigerator for about 10 days. Shake it all this time. After this period, strain the composition and take 15 ml of it every day in the morning.

Destructive therapy for HPV type 56

If human papillomavirus type 56 causes condylomas in the genital area in a woman, surgical excision is practically not used. In this case, just as for men, a electrocoagulation, for which the neoplasms will be exposed to electric current. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles in Russia (250 hryvnia in Ukraine).

May also be considered laser removal of papillomas. For this purpose, they are destroyed from the inside using light radiation of various lengths and frequencies for 5-15 minutes. The procedure is painless and atraumatic. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles in Russia (from 1300 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Another popular way to eliminate traces of papillomavirus type 56 is to use radio wave knife, allowing to avoid contact with the skin and, accordingly, the appearance of scars. This procedure does not require anesthesia or local anesthesia, and no hospitalization is required. The price of radio wave surgery is 1100-1600 rubles in Russia (450-700 hryvnia in Ukraine).

A liquid nitrogen can also be used, but in case of papillomas located in the genital area, this method is not the safest and most effective. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles in Russia (from 150 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Reviews about the treatment of HPV type 56

Lack of professional treatment can cause a number of pathologies that are dangerous to health. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, to eliminate the 56 strain virus and its external manifestations, complex therapy is prescribed, which includes a number of antiviral drugs and various procedures. Effectiveness depends on the correct selection of medications and the accurate execution of all actions prescribed by the doctor. Many specialists, as well as patients who have completed a combined course against this virus, share their experience on the Internet. Their opinion will help you correctly form your point of view and discover some features of recovery. Let's look at a few reviews about the treatment of HPV type 56:

Nadezhda 46 years old

During a gynecological examination, they discovered erosion surrounded by multiple papillomas on the cervix. The doctor explained the consequences of such a manifestation, and I was tested for the presence of papillomavirus in the body. The result showed the presence of type 56, which I was very afraid of, because it is one of the most dangerous for humans. She did not despair, followed all the doctor’s instructions exactly, took a number of medications and underwent laser removal of erosion and papillomas. The test results showed that my body overcame the virus, which I am very happy about.

Sergey 50 years old

I have various growths and papillomas in multiple numbers, but when their number increased on the neck and back, I did not attach any importance. Only after they appeared on my penis did I realize that something needed to be done about it. At the hospital, first of all, they forced me to take a virus test, the result showed the presence of type 56. I already found out on the Internet that this is one of the most dangerous oncogenic viruses, so I agreed to any treatment, no matter how much it cost, as long as it was effective. I underwent a course of treatment with many drugs, papillomas were removed using electrocoagulation, not the most pleasant procedure, but generally tolerable. Now my tests are normal, I am now suspicious of the appearance of new skin defects and advise my relatives to go to the hospital.

Evgeniya 31 years old

I was also diagnosed with HPV type 56. To say that I was scared is the same as remaining silent. This virus is the most dangerous, taking into account the fact that now oncology is at every step, and the mortality rate is very high, I agreed to treatment unconditionally. I can’t say that it was easy and unnoticeable; I took a lot of medications, both antiviral and immune-stimulating, but overall the therapy was successful. Now my skin has regained its normal healthy appearance, and most importantly, there is no longer any obvious fear of developing cancer.

What is HPV type 56 - watch the video:

When papillomas appear due to type 56 virus, women and men have reason to carefully monitor their health. It is necessary to take it seriously, undergo examination by a dermatologist, virologist and other specialized specialists several times a year, and if there is the slightest concern about the transformation of neoplasms into malignant ones, make a timely decision to remove them.

  1. Related article: Contraindications to the use of folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas