
Country of origin: Germany
Pharm-Group: Selective alpha1-blockers

Manufacturers: Arzneimittelwerk Dresden GmbH (Germany)
International name: Prazosin
Synonyms: Minipress, Novo-Prazin, Polpressin, Prazosin, Prazosin-Farmakhim, Prazosinbene, Pratsiol
Dosage forms: tablets 1 mg, tablets 5 mg
Composition: Active substance - prazosin

Indications for use:

  1. Arterial hypertension
  2. Heart failure in the early stages
  3. Prostate adenoma


  1. Hypersensitivity (including to other quinazolines)
  2. Heart failure due to constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, defects with reduced filling pressure of the left ventricle
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Lactation
    Restrictions on use: hyponatremia

Side effect:

  1. First dose phenomenon (severe hypotension in the orthostatic position, fainting, headache, weakness, palpitations)
  2. Sleep disorders, weakness, fatigue
  3. Depression, nervousness
  4. Nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea
  5. Frequent urination
  6. Edema of the lower extremities
  7. Rash

Enhances the hypotensive effect of beta-blockers and diuretics.

No information available.

Special instructions:
Blood pressure and heart rate should be regularly monitored while standing and lying down. The likelihood of hypotension is higher in patients receiving diuretics, sympatholytics, and beta-blockers.

Encyclopedia of Medicines, 2004.