
Aerohelioplatforms are a new type of energy installations that are used to supply energy to remote and sparsely populated areas. These installations combine the benefits of solar energy and air flow to produce electrical energy.

The operating principle of aerosol pads is based on using the sun's rays to heat water or steam, which then spins a generator to generate electricity. Air currents also participate in the process, creating additional energy due to the Coriolis force.

Aerosol pads can be controlled through remote sensors and monitoring systems, which allows optimizing the use of resources and increasing the efficiency of the installation. In addition, such installations are environmentally friendly, do not contain harmful emissions and can operate in conditions of limited access to energy resources.

To build an aerosol platform, it is necessary to take into account several factors, such as location, solar activity, the presence of air flows and other natural conditions. It is also important to select the right equipment and engineering solutions that will suit the needs of a specific project.

One example of the use of aerosol platforms is the construction of the world's first

Aeroheliosites are artificial structures created for the simultaneous use of solar and wind energy sources. They combine the properties of solar power plants and aerodynamic elements and are designed to generate electrical energy in high mountain and desert areas.

The operating principle of aerosol platforms is based on the use of solar and wind energy as the main sources of renewable energy. An installed solar energy collector collects solar energy and transfers it to a heat pump system, which converts thermal energy into electrical energy. In addition, wind generators are also used to generate electrical energy.

The air helio pad can be used on agricultural plots of land, where it can provide electricity for some