Aeroion inhalation

Aeroion inhalation is a unique method of physiotherapy that combines the properties of aerosol therapeutic solutions and positively charged medical aeroions for the treatment of respiratory diseases, strengthening the immune system, cleansing the mucous membranes and skin, as well as renewing the cells of organs and tissues.

Aeroinhalation has emerged relatively recently, but it is already firmly established in physiotherapy clinics and health centers. Many chronic diseases, accompanied by atrophy, redness, weakness and loss of strength, significantly improve the condition of patients in the process of aeroion therapy. There is a significant decrease in the number of pills taken during a cold. The beneficial effect of air ions is especially noticeable after an air ion procedure has been performed for preventive purposes. In patients with smokers and pulmonary tuberculosis, after the sessions the intensity of chronic inflammation of the lungs decreases, blood circulation improves and the functions of the upper respiratory system are restored. For many patients, the need for therapeutic tablets, especially mucolytic tablets, is reduced.

The secret to effective physical therapy lies not only in proper execution, but also in setting up the equipment correctly. By setting the necessary parameters and power settings, you can make the treatment as effective and safe as possible.

Despite the fact that an aeroion inhaler is a fairly effective piece of equipment, its use is associated with some dangers. If the volume of the air-ionized mixture is too large or the dose is high, increased breathing and tachycardia may occur. Before you start physical exercises using aeroion inhalers, you should consult your doctor.