
Aeroionization is a process in which air molecules become ionized, that is, they acquire a positive or negative charge. This process occurs as a result of the action of an electric field on the air, which can be created in various ways.

One of the most common methods of air ionization is the use of electrostatic generators. These devices create an electric field that ionizes air molecules. This process produces positively and negatively charged ions, which can be used for various purposes.

Aeroionization can be used to clean the air of harmful substances such as dust, smoke and gases. It can also help improve indoor air quality where people spend a lot of time, such as offices, schools and hospitals.

In addition, air ionization can be used to improve human health. Research shows that ionized air can help reduce stress and improve your mood. It has also been found that ionized air can improve the functioning of the immune system and protect against various diseases.

However, several factors must be considered before using air ionization. For example, ionized air can be dangerous for people with pacemakers or other medical devices. It is also necessary to take into account that air ionization is not always effective in removing all harmful substances from the air.

In general, air ionization is an interesting and promising direction in the field of ecology and health care. However, to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to conduct research and develop new methods of air ionization.