
Aerovit: multivitamins without minerals to support health

Aerovit is a drug that contains multivitamins without minerals, developed by the Russian pharmaceutical company Ufavita. This medication comes in the form of film-coated tablets and is intended to support overall health.

The manufacturing country of Aerovit is Russia, and the manufacturers are the companies ICN Oktyabr and Ufavita. The international name of the drug also sounds like “Aerovit”.

Aerovit belongs to the group of multivitamins, that is, preparations containing several vitamins. Aerovit contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, D3, as well as folic acid. All these vitamins play an important role in ensuring proper functioning of the body, maintaining immunity and metabolism.

Aerovit does not contain minerals, so it cannot replace a full meal and is not a replacement for multivitamins with minerals. However, it may be useful as a supplement to the diet, especially during periods of increased physical and mental stress, stress, low mood, winter spring or during recovery from illness.

Aerovit should be taken according to the instructions and only after consulting a doctor. It is generally recommended to take 1 tablet daily with food. Duration of use and dosage may vary depending on your health condition and individual needs.

Overall, Aerovit is a useful and affordable drug that can help maintain health and improve well-being during periods of increased stress on the body. However, like any other drug, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.