Aevit as a face mask

All products are good in the fight for youthful skin, but for facial care at home it is better to choose not only the most effective, but also the safest.

The whole truth and myths of the action of “Aevit” on wrinkles

“Aevit” is a complex preparation that contains two important beauty vitamins – A and E. “Aevit” can be purchased in the form of capsules, injection solutions and face cream, including a vitamin duet. However, it is pharmacy capsules, and not ready-made cream, that are more effective in the fight against wrinkles.

Double blow - the secret to smoothing the skin from the outside and inside

There is nothing surprising in the way Aevit works on wrinkles from the inside. Vitamins A (retinol) and E (tocopherol) – powerful antioxidants, promoting the proliferation of epithelial cells and tissue growth. Internal administration of the vitamin complex is prescribed to women to combat age-related changes and various hormonal disorders, including menopause.

A course of oral administration helps:

  1. get rid of dry skin - the first enemy of a smooth and healthy complexion;
  2. activate the growth of healthy cells - that is, quickly renew the skin, promoting rejuvenation;
  3. improve microcirculation and nutrition of the epidermis;
  4. strengthen capillary blood circulation and increase the skin's defenses and resistance to external factors;
  5. normalize the level of sex hormones, which are also responsible for the condition of the skin.

Taking the drug orally can only be started after consultation with a doctor. There are contraindications.

Does Aevit help against wrinkles if used only externally? Yes, because the epidermis is capable of absorbing substances and being restored under their influence. Retinol and tocopherol are often found in expensive home and professional care products, including injectable anti-aging treatments.

How to achieve maximum effect

It is correct to use “Aevit” against wrinkles in a complex – outside and inside. Internal use slowly but steadily normalizes the condition of the skin, and external use allows you to get quick results. Local application is noticeable almost immediately - tightness disappears, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, skin flaking stops, complexion becomes healthy and fresh.

At home, the complex can be used:

  1. to enrich masks based on natural products;
  2. as a component in the preparation of homemade creams and other care products for the face and body;
  3. to improve the properties of vegetable oils used for local effects on wrinkles;
  4. for enhanced nutrition of the skin of the lips;
  5. directly onto the area of ​​wrinkles, gently rubbing the product.

Of course, Aevit has the best effect for fine wrinkles – facial folds at the mouth and forehead. Regular use helps smooth out crow's feet in the eye area. Flabby skin and bags under the eyes, which increase the appearance of wrinkles, can also be noticeably refreshed by reducing swelling and comprehensive nutrition.

Serious age-related changes cannot be eliminated only by cosmetic procedures; a drastic measure is needed here - plastic surgery or softer methods, for example, mesotherapy.

Homemade masks based on "Aevit"

Preparing homemade masks does not take much time. You can always find half an hour for the procedure in the evening or on a weekend. It’s only difficult in the first days, but then noticeable results stimulate self-care.

General rules for preparing and using masks

In order for self-made masks based on “Aevit” to bring maximum benefit and not cause allergic reactions, it is important to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Prepare masks only from fresh products. You cannot dispose of spoiled fruits, vegetables that have rotted on one side, and sour cream that has stood in the refrigerator for several days.
  2. It is better to mix the components in a glass container - it is inert and does not interact with acids and alkalis.
  3. Homemade masks cannot be stored - they should be applied immediately after preparation.
  4. Before using the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned of makeup and impurities.
  5. If you feel discomfort during the procedure, you need to wash your face and apply a proven soothing agent to the skin.
  6. One procedure cannot be effective - the result will be noticeable only after the course. We'll have to be patient.

Before using any recipe, you must do an allergy test. Apply the mixture to a small area and wait 5-10 minutes.

Potato-based face masks

Potatoes are rich in microelements beneficial for the skin; they are often included in homemade masks, both boiled and raw. The best masks with potatoes with the addition of “Aevit”:

  1. Boil one potato in its jacket, peel, mash with a fork, let cool to a comfortable temperature, add the contents of two capsules, stir. Apply an even layer on the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Do it two or three times a week.
  2. Add an egg yolk, half a teaspoon of olive oil and two capsules of the vitamin complex to the mashed boiled potatoes. Apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse.
  3. Grate a small raw potato on a fine grater, add the solution from the capsule, stir and apply under the eyes.
  4. Take a teaspoon each of grated raw potatoes and fresh cucumber. Pour in two capsules of vitamins, stir and apply for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water.

IMPORTANT! For dry skin, it is recommended to choose nourishing masks or enrich the compositions with basic cosmetic oils.

Beauty recipes from affordable products

To prepare anti-wrinkle masks with the addition of Aevita, use cucumber, herbs, bananas, apples, egg yolk, cereal, sour cream, wheat flour and other available products. Proven recipes:

  1. Finely chop the parsley to make a paste. Add one capsule of vitamin composition to each teaspoon of mass. Apply a mask with herbs to your face for 20 minutes. If the skin is dry, it is recommended to add a little sour cream or vegetable oil.
  2. Pour two capsules of the drug into a tablespoon of natural cream. Mix “Aevit” well with oily creams and apply to areas with wrinkles. Can be used for the eye area and lips. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.
  3. Turn half a ripe banana into puree, mix two drops of the solution into the banana mass, use for a mask, rinse after 15-20 minutes.
  4. Enrich two tablespoons of oatmeal, cooked with water or milk, but without salt and sugar, with three capsules. Apply a thick layer of the mask with oatmeal and Aevit to your face. Wash off after 20 minutes. Can be applied locally, for example, only on the forehead.
  5. Grind fresh chicken yolk well with a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of olive oil and a capsule of Aevita. It is recommended to leave this mask on for about 15 minutes.

IMPORTANT! The skin in the eye area stretches easily; masks should be applied along massage lines with light movements.

How to remove wrinkles in the eye area

Cucumber, Aevit and wheat flour help against wrinkles under the eyes even in case of noticeable changes. To a teaspoon of cucumber puree you need to add two capsules of vitamins and a little flour so that the composition stays on the skin. Apply the mixture to the lower eyelid for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off. Do it at least three times a week.

For dry skin, masks based on dairy products—fat sour cream and cottage cheese—are good for getting rid of wrinkles. “Aevit” should be added at the rate of three drops for every teaspoon.

If not only wrinkles, but also dark circles are noticeable under the eyes, it is recommended to add fresh parsley gruel, chopped in a blender or with a knife, to sour cream or cottage cheese. Lemon, known for its whitening properties, is not suitable in this area.

It is best to apply Aevit locally to crow's feet in combination with cosmetic oils. The leaders in the fight for smooth skin are the following oils:

  1. castor oil (relieves not only wrinkles, but also scars);
  2. olive;
  3. almond;
  4. wheat germ;
  5. linen;
  6. apricot;
  7. pink.

Before adding vitamins to the oil, it must be slightly warmed to skin temperature. This way the components will quickly penetrate the epidermis and do their job. It is better to apply oil products with light patting movements. The remains can not be washed off, but absorbed with a paper napkin without effort.

Oils Not recommended Apply to the upper and lower eyelids, there may be swelling.

Mask with lifting effect

Lifting tightens the skin, making it more elastic and resistant to stretching. Among older women, a lifting mask for mature skin based on yolk, Aevita and salt is very popular. The recipe is simple:

  1. Separate the egg yolk and grind it well with a pinch of salt until smooth.
  2. Pour four vitamin capsules into the yolk mixture and mix well again.
  3. Apply the composition to the face in a thin layer. You should not try to use all the product at once - it should be applied in layers in several stages.
  4. As soon as the yolk mixture dries (no earlier than 5 minutes), apply a second layer on top.
  5. Wait for it to cure and spread the third layer on the skin. Use the remainder for the fourth application.
  6. When the last layer dries and your face begins to tighten, rinse with warm water and use a proven cream.

How to remove wrinkles and get rid of sagging neck

When getting rid of wrinkles on the face, it is important not to forget about the neck, because it is this part of the body that mercilessly reveals a woman’s age. For the neck, you can use the same masks as for the face, but wraps are more effective for this area.

  1. Lightly heat olive or flaxseed oil in a water bath. Add four capsules of the vitamin duo to each tablespoon of oil. Generously coat the neck with enriched oil and wrap with cotton cloth. You can cover the top with a scarf or handkerchief to enhance the effect. Soak up any remaining residue with a paper towel or rinse off if it irritates.
  2. Mix vegetable oil, honey and egg yolk in equal volumes. For every teaspoon of the mixture, add two drops of vitamins. Use the same as in the above recipe.
  3. Grate a large cucumber, previously peeled. Mix cucumber pulp with a vitamin solution and apply generously to the neck area, wrap for 20 minutes, and rinse. This mask with Aevit not only acts against wrinkles, but also brightens the neck.

Beauty is not only an innate concept, but also an acquired one. The sooner you include Aevit in your care, the more effective the fight against wrinkles will be. After all, preventing age-related skin changes is much easier than eliminating them.

Aevit is a multivitamin preparation, the defining property of which is the presence and concentration of vitamins A and E. It is produced in capsules of various compositions and modifications, mainly by Russian, but also by some foreign manufacturers (Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria). The drug is sold in pharmacies, available without a prescription and has a low price. In addition to oral administration as a medicine or dietary supplement, it is widely used in cosmetology and is part of industrial cosmetics (creams, masks, serums, scrubs, shampoos, lipsticks, etc.). Aevit has proven itself well among women who care about their beauty and health, and for more than half a century, since Soviet times, it has been used in home recipes for skin, hair and nail care.

Chemical composition

Aevit is available in gelatin-coated capsules or glass ampoules with an oil solution containing fat-soluble vitamins A and E in high doses. Refined vegetable oils (corn, soy or sunflower oil) are used as a base. The percentage of vitamins in the product is determined by the manufacturing companies. Their quantity in milligrams (mg) and the percentage of the daily dose required by a person is indicated in the accompanying instructions and on the packaging.

Vitamin A

It was discovered by scientists in 1913 and received the letter designation A, since it became the first vitamin known to mankind. The name unites a group of substances that are similar in composition, the most famous of which is retinol. Retinol in its pure form is unstable - it is destroyed when exposed to light and upon contact with air. Therefore, it is industrially produced in a form suitable for use: in the form of retinol acetate or retinol palmitate. In the beauty industry, it is an important ingredient in cosmetics, which:

  1. accelerates the process of blood circulation in tissues and promotes saturation with useful substances;
  2. has a natural peeling effect, improving complexion and skin texture;
  3. neutralizes inflammatory processes and fights against acne;
  4. participates in the synthesis of collagen, which increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  5. strengthens cellular immunity, increases the protective functions of the skin under the influence of negative environmental factors (sunlight, frost, wind);
  6. retains moisture at the cellular level, helping to moisturize the skin, preventing dryness and flaking;
  7. is an antioxidant that can interact with free radicals and, due to this, rejuvenate the skin and eliminate the signs of premature aging.

Vitamin E

It was opened in 1922. Later it received the name tocopherol, which translated from Greek means “bearing offspring.” The name pays tribute to the key importance of the vitamin for reproductive activity. As in the case of vitamin A, it is a group of substances. In cosmetology, vitamin E:

  1. acts as an effective antioxidant;
  2. regulates fat metabolism in tissues;
  3. stimulates the process of regeneration of epidermal cells;
  4. fights pigment spots.

The effect of the interaction of vitamins A and E

Vitamins A and E, combined as components in one preparation, have a mutually positive effect on each other. Vitamin A increases the antioxidant qualities of vitamin E. It, in turn, prevents vitamin A from oxidizing.

Indications for use

Aevit is used internally as a medicine during illness, and externally. Oral intake and intramuscular injections of the vitamin complex are therapeutic in nature and are prescribed by a doctor. They have a healing effect on the entire body as a whole, and have a positive effect on appearance. However, for cosmetic purposes, aevit is used exclusively externally, as an independent product or as part of mixtures.

External use of Aevit, and what benefits it brings to people of different ages: it helps young girls get rid of acne, and mature women - slow down skin aging and achieve a rejuvenating effect. The advantage of the external method of use is that it practically eliminates any undesirable consequences. However, even in this case, it is better to limit the use of Aevit to a course of 10–15 procedures (1–2 procedures per week), after which give the body a break from potent drugs for 2–3 months.

Aevit is an extremely active drug containing doses of vitamins necessary for drug treatment. Taking it on a regular basis can lead to hypervitaminosis. The drug should be taken orally with caution to avoid side effects from overdose. Before a course of treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.


Taking Aevit internally is strictly contraindicated:

  1. children under 14 years of age;
  2. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. people with liver and kidney diseases, increased vascular permeability and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  4. with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The complete list is specified in the instructions.

There are no strict contraindications for external use of Aevit. It is strongly recommended to follow the course system of exposure to the skin and not include the drug in daily care for a long time.

Allergy test

Before preparing homemade cosmetics with aevit, you need to do a simple allergy test. To do this, pierce the Aevit capsule with a needle, squeeze the oily solution onto the back of your hand, rub it on a small area of ​​skin, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. If redness, itching, discomfort or other unpleasant sensations appear on your hand, then you should not use Aevit. If there is no reaction, a multivitamin can be used.

Methods of using Aevit

External use of aevit can heal, moisturize and rejuvenate any part of the body. First of all, these are the face, lips, nails and cuticles, damaged skin of the heels, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, stretch marks on the body. In fact, the choice of areas of its application is limited only by the needs of a particular person and his imagination. Of course, within reason.

Making face cream

In its pure form, aevit can be used as an effective remedy for wrinkles. It is most convenient to do this before bed. Apply the contents of 1 – 2 capsules of Aevit to cleansed facial skin with light massaging movements. The oil solution can be mixed with a small amount of water or night cream to reduce the concentration of the active substance. You can even apply the product to the delicate skin around the eyes. Indications from various sources regarding the duration of action of beauty vitamins vary greatly. Some authors recommend washing off the drug after 10 minutes. foam for washing, others - just blot with a napkin or even leave on the skin until the morning. In this matter, the best advice is to listen to the condition of your skin and rely on your feelings.

Anti-acne lotions

To combat acne and pimples, you can make lotions from aevita. To do this, you need to soak a cotton pad with the contents of one capsule and apply it locally to the problem area of ​​the skin for several minutes.

Additional Information

Aevit in its pure form can be smeared on the lips or rubbed into the cuticles and nail plates, this will eliminate cracking and peeling.

Making masks from vitamin

Truly limitless possibilities for beauty creativity are provided by the preparation of nourishing vitamin masks with aevit. On the Internet you can find mixtures using cucumbers, cottage cheese, milk, butter, citrus zest, lemon juice, herbs, strawberries, bananas, oatmeal, wheat flour and other healthy products.

Aevitic masks are best made in autumn, winter or early spring, when the sun is not yet active. Under the influence of strong solar radiation, vitamins can cause excessive skin pigmentation.

Nourishing mask for dry skin with yolk and honey.

Mix thoroughly the yolk of 1 egg, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. vegetable oil most suitable for your skin type (olive, almond, burdock, sea buckthorn, grape, apricot, etc.), 0.5 tsp. glycerin and 2 capsules of aevit. Apply the mixture to your face with a large brush and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Preliminarily take a steam bath for the face, which opens the pores, and cleanse with a scrub to create favorable conditions for the preparation.

Cleansing for oily and combination skin with salt and yolk.

Mix 1 yolk with 0.5 tsp. table salt and 4 capsules of aevit. Apply with a brush to your face, leave for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water. The mask exfoliates the skin and gives a toned appearance.

Lifting anti-wrinkle treatment from boiled potatoes

Prepare puree from one potato tuber boiled in its jacket. To preserve the beneficial properties, do not allow the potatoes to boil. Add the contents of 2 - 3 capsules of aevit to the cooled pulp. If desired, you can add 1 tbsp to the mask. l. milk or cream, 1 tsp. olive oil, whipped egg white. Products containing proteins will consolidate the lifting effect.

Anti-inflammatory acne from blue clay

Mix 2 tsp. blue clay with 2 tsp. water and the contents of 1 capsule of Aevit. Cover your face with the mask and leave it on for half an hour. Rinse off with warm and then cold water.

After using the masks, you can further tighten the pores by rubbing an ice cube over your face.

Hair masks

Aevit vitamins eliminate dryness and brittleness of hair and have a positive effect on blood circulation in small blood vessels of the scalp. It strengthens the roots and resists hair loss. Vitamins can be added to branded shampoos, conditioners and masks, or you can prepare homemade hair cosmetics with it.

Hair strengthening mask with onion juice

Mix a solution of 1 capsule of aevit with 1 tbsp. l onion juice and apply evenly to the scalp. After 30 – 60 min. wash off with shampoo. To eliminate the onion smell, washing your hair can be repeated.

Olive oil hair wrap

Mix 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 capsules of aevit. Cover the scalp and hair along the entire length with the mixture. Gather your hair under a plastic wrap or shower cap and wrap it in a towel to keep it warm. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.

Manufacturers of cosmetics containing aevit on the market

Some companies that produce cosmetics for body and hair care add aevit to their products. For example, the Russian company Librederm, which is developing the field of cosmeceuticals (a combination of cosmetology and pharmaceuticals), offers a whole line of products with aevit, which are sold in city pharmacies. The cost of the funds, of course, greatly exceeds the price of a multivitamin.

How much does it cost and how to store it

Aevit is sold in pharmacies and costs 20–100 rubles. per package. The price depends on the number of capsules in the package.

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children.

The popular drug Aevit is produced in the form of gelatin capsules with oil content and is actively used in modern medicine and cosmetology. To maintain health and improve skin condition, it is recommended to take it not only internally, but also externally. For example, a mask with Aevit for the face provides quick and noticeable rejuvenation of the skin, restores tone and more.

Benefits of Aevit for the face

This unique multivitamin complex in a natural composition successfully combines two active components - vitamins A, E. Each organic compound provides enormous health benefits and a rejuvenating effect for the face. For example, vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, “works” in the following ways:

  1. increases the protective functions of soft tissues and all cells of the body;
  2. stimulates blood supply to the skin;
  3. accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  4. preserves and maintains the level of moisture at the required level, helping the skin absorb and retain moisture;
  5. stimulates counteracting infectious and inflammatory processes.

Vitamin E also makes Aevit simply irreplaceable for facial skin. The potential therapeutic and preventive effect is as follows:

  1. removes pigment spots on the face, evens out the shade of the epithelium;
  2. penetrates deep into the skin;
  3. accelerates the natural process of regeneration of injured tissues;
  4. stimulates metabolism at the cellular level;
  5. returns a healthy glow to the cheeks, stimulating blood circulation;
  6. increases skin elasticity and firmness;
  7. tightens pores, helps treat acne, acne.

Application of Aevita for the face

This drug is often prescribed as part of a complex treatment for many dermatological diseases. It makes it easier to get rid of seborrhea and acne, and relieve the inflammatory process in the presence of pimples and pustules on the face. The main indications for the use of Aevita in medicine and cosmetology:

  1. oily skin with severe signs of inflammation;
  2. dermatological diseases, which include psoriasis;
  3. profuse acne, acne symptoms;
  4. aging facial skin with signs of dryness, flaking, and the appearance of wrinkles.

Methods of using Aevita for the face

According to the instructions, Aevit vitamins for the face can be used in their pure form (applied directly to the site of pathology) or taken orally for systemic action in cases of weakened local immunity. Subcutaneous injections, oily capsules provide a comprehensive effect. Vitamin cocktail from A+E is characterized by stable anti-inflammatory, nourishing, cleansing, regenerating and restorative properties. The dynamics depend on the form of the drug, the prescription, and the general recommendations of the specialist.

Application to skin

For severe symptoms of inflammation on the face, Aevit is recommended to be used in its pure form. To do this, you need to open the contents of 1-2 capsules and thoroughly treat the problem areas in a targeted manner. After the session, you should not wash your face or use decorative cosmetics. It is worth carrying out such home procedures with Aevit in the morning and evening, after making sure that there is no allergic reaction to the active ingredients of the medicine. The oil returns healthy skin color, the skin is cleansed of tumors, and inflammatory processes stop.

Adding to cream

In the fight against the natural aging processes of facial skin and to quickly get rid of facial wrinkles in the eye area, corners of the forehead and nose, cosmetologists recommend using Aevit, but not in its pure form, but as an auxiliary substance. The contents of oil capsules or an injection solution must be added to daily skin care products. For example, 3 drops are enough for a single use, and this composition can be stored for several hours. Subsequently, it loses its beneficial, rejuvenating properties.


Vitamin Aevit for facial skin is recommended for use in homemade cosmetics. This is a good opportunity to get rid of wrinkles without any special financial costs and in the shortest possible time, provide nutrition to dry tissues, and finally get rid of pronounced signs of inflammation. Before using this or that cosmetic mask in practice, it is necessary to exclude allergic reactions of the body to the components.

If there are no medical contraindications to Aevit, use any of the effective recipes below:

  1. Prepare 1 capsule of Aevit, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. honey Melt the honey product in a water bath, add the vitamin and oil base. Mix thoroughly, remove from the heat source and cool slightly. Apply the mask to your face and do not wash it off for a quarter of an hour. For rejuvenation, carry out the procedure twice a week, for cleansing - once a week.
  2. Mix the contents of 4 Aevita capsules with egg yolk and a pinch of sea salt, then apply a homogeneous mixture to sensitive facial skin for about 10 minutes. Then wash your face and additionally moisturize the dermis with any cosmetic cream. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Prepare a rejuvenating mask for dry skin. To do this, combine 20 g of yellow cosmetic clay with 20 ml of warm milk, then add the contents of 1 Aevita capsule, an egg yolk, and a couple of peppermint leaves. Mix the composition until smooth, apply a thin layer to the skin, do not wash off for up to half an hour. Afterwards, all that remains is to wash your face and treat your skin with a cream selected according to your age category.
  4. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, mash them with a fork, add the contents of 1 Aevit capsule to the resulting pulp. Apply to the face, spreading the composition in an even layer so as to cover all problem areas as much as possible. Do not wash off for 15 minutes. Then treat the skin with any nourishing cream of your choice.
  5. In 1 tbsp. Soak the lemon zest in boiling water for 1 hour. After the specified time, strain the mixture, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, raw egg yolk, 50 g of olive oil, 10 drops of lemon concentrate, camphor alcohol and mayonnaise, 15 ml of each component, the contents of 2 Aevita capsules. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous paste is formed, which you apply to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off and treat with cream. Use the mask as a night mask - in the evening on previously cleansed skin.

Contraindications for use

Not all women who strive for beauty and youth are allowed to use Aevit capsules for the face. The drug has its own medical contraindications, including:

  1. the patient's tendency to allergic reactions;
  2. chronic pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  3. liver and kidney failure;
  4. age restrictions – patients under 14 years of age;
  5. individual intolerance to the active ingredients;
  6. periods of pregnancy and lactation.

If you have these medical contraindications, it is not recommended to experiment with your own health. An allergic skin rash with swelling appears on the body, a feeling of itching and burning occurs, plus an exacerbation of the underlying chronic disease is possible. When choosing a mask recipe, these nuances must be taken into account.



Marina, 29 years old Not a single week goes by without me using Aevit on my facial skin. The problem area is freckles and age spots. To remove them or temporarily disguise them, twice a week I use the oil composition in its pure form. I open the contents of the capsule and begin to rub it into problem areas with massaging movements. Helps great.

Olga, 35 years old To quickly get rid of goose bumps and dead skin cells on the face, I regularly use proven Aevit vitamins. The most effective recipe is to mix the contents of the capsule with boiled potatoes, since the changes are obvious after the first procedure at home. The recipe is simple and reliable.

Maria, 37 years old I regularly make myself anti-aging masks with Aevit. I simply add a few drops of oil from the capsule to any day or night cream, after which I thoroughly treat all problem areas with the finished composition, especially the area around the eyes and lips. The product is reliable and effective, a budget option for an anti-aging procedure.