Procedures for smoothing facial skin


Smooth and even skin – is it possible to achieve this, or does it remain to be “disguised” under several layers of foundation and powder? Reasons uneven skin texture many from acne in adolescence to age-related changes. The condition of the skin is affected by various stresses, unfavorable ecology, bad habits, various diseases and poor nutrition. Long-term exposure to the sun and frequent visits to the solarium have a negative effect on skin texture.

Problem skin for various reasons, it may have defects such as scars, cicatrices, age spots, rashes, acne, etc. To resolve these problems you need professional care, aimed at relief leveling. Cosmetologists at the IntregraMedBeauty aesthetic medicine center have all the necessary technologies, equipment and drugs to make your skin smooth and radiant.

Signs of healthy skin:

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    Absence earthy or gray tone;
  2. Smooth surface without roughness and defects;
  3. Uniform color;
  4. Elasticity, fast recovery after stretching;
  5. Elasticity, maintaining tone;
  6. No pigment spots, enlarged pores, spider veins, comedones, peeling, etc.

If your skin is not ideal, do not be upset; specialists at the Empire Beauty Center for Aesthetic Medicine achieve excellent results even in severe cases in patients with problem skin.

Skin smoothing technologies

Cosmetologists today have many techniques to make the skin clean and smooth. In the center to level the relief the following is used:

List of procedures:

Relief leveling it is necessary to start with a competent and professional skin cleaning. Deep cleansing is achieved using hardware, manual and chemical methods. As a result of comprehensive cleaning, surface impurities are eliminated, dead cells are exfoliated, and comedones are removed. Skin cleansing helps stimulate metabolic processes and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetologists at the Empire Beauty Center for Aesthetic Medicine select a combination of methods for each patient individually. The choice of cleaning method depends on the type of skin, its condition, age, presence of defects and many other factors. Optimally selected combination hardware methods, massage elements and application of medicinal cosmetics gives excellent results in a short time. The skin texture is evened out, it becomes smooth and velvety.

Effective against age-related changes, deep furrows and wrinkles contour plastic surgery. The technique involves the introduction of drugs based on hyaluronic acid into problem areas. Hyaluronic acid is distinguished by its ability to retain large amounts of moisture. Thanks to this, skin tone noticeably increases, deep wrinkles smooth out, skin texture is evened out. We use Sergiderm, Juvederm, Stylege, Replery, Ivor and Radiesse.

With the development of phototherapy technologies, when correcting reliefs, we actively use photorejuvenation.

Photorejuvenation – is achieved by launching a system of tissue regeneration and restoration of the collagen-elastin framework system, which forms the basis of elastic young skin, by the combined action of pulsed light (IPL) and radio frequency (RF) in the Inno Elight (IPL+ RF) device. This results in intense and controlled heating of tissues at the required level. This leads to the renewal of old structures and the formation of younger cellular structures of the skin. Unlike a surgical lift, the subcutaneous tissue and skin are rejuvenated from the inside.

The use of various types of peelings is effective, with the help of which you can correct large pores, areas of hyperpigmentation, smooth out fine wrinkles, and eliminate unevenness and roughness of the skin.

Effective use of different types pillings, with which you can correct wide pores, areas of hyperpigmentation, smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate unevenness and roughness of the skin.

The most gentle and, at the same time, effective method is ultrasonic facial cleansing. During the procedure, the topmost surface layer of skin is removed. At the same time, the skin texture is evened out and various defects are eliminated. Ultrasonic peeling improves blood circulation and moisturizes the skin naturally. The effect is produced at the cellular level, so maximum efficiency is achieved.

The procedure is carried out using a special nozzle that vibrates in ultrasonic mode. The skin is pre-steamed and, depending on its type, an aseptic solution or tonic is applied. Ultrasonic peeling lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. The advantage of the technique is the immediate visible result. The effect of ultrasound on the deep layers of the skin stimulates protein synthesis and improves metabolic processes. This type of peeling does not injure the skin and has no complications. Contraindications are only acute infectious diseases, neuralgia, pustular inflammation of the skin. Regardless of the condition of your skin, cosmetologists at the Empire Beauty Center for Aesthetic Medicine will select an effective technique smoothing skin texture, which is right for you.


When is it necessary to even out facial skin (tone, color)?

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity dream of creating makeup exactly the same as that of screen stars on the carpet and glossy photographs in magazines.

However, this is not always possible.

This is not just a matter of the ability to use cosmetic products and not even the cosmetics themselves. The cause of imperfect makeup can be skin imperfections, such as pimples, pigmentation and many others. So if you want perfect makeup, eliminate them.

Indications for leveling tones are the following aesthetic defects:

  1. acne;
  2. inflammation and redness on the skin;
  3. small wrinkles;
  4. scars and small scars;
  5. peeling.

There are a great many ways to get rid of skin imperfections, including:

  1. professional, requiring the use of special equipment and preparations;
  2. homemade ones that you can do yourself.

Professional leveling methods

Cosmetic defects of the facial skin can be the result of:


  1. unfavorable environmental conditions;
  2. use of low-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  3. heredity;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. failures of any body system.

To successfully get rid of these defects, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, if these are health problems, poor-quality cosmetics or poor nutrition.

To even out tone, beauty salons offer the following services:

Laser correction

It helps get rid of scars, which in turn are a consequence of the healing of acne, chickenpox, burns and other mechanical damage to the skin.


This cosmetic procedure helps get rid of acne, which in turn is a consequence of overworking of the sebaceous glands. With this type of facial massage, cold is applied to the surface of the skin.

A thin layer of liquid nitrogen is applied to the face using tweezers and a cotton swab. In total, the cosmetologist passes the swab two or three times as the liquid evaporates from the surface of the skin. Short exposure to extremely low temperatures activates metabolic processes, eliminates inflammation and tightens pores.

However It is worth considering that after the procedure the face may turn red and swell a little, but this should all go away within an hour. In addition, you need to apply sunscreen to your face before going outside.

Face cleaning

This procedure can be ultrasound, laser and mechanical. In this case, impurities, pimples of any kind and wen are removed from the surface of the skin. The procedure is quite painful and after it there may be wounds on the face that will soon heal.


Peeling can be mechanical, when the skin is cleansed of dead cells using abrasive particles, and chemical, when facial skin is cleansed using organic acids. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

In some cases, problems with facial tone arise as a result of using low-quality cosmetics, which provoke irritation and inflammation. High-quality, but incorrectly selected cosmetics can have the same effect.

Also, problems with facial skin can be caused by excessive amounts of cosmetics applied. First of all, this concerns foundation, which, when applied in a thick layer, can clog pores, causing acne.

Smoothing facial skin after acne

Acne may remain on the skin after unsightly scars and depressions that do not add attractiveness to the appearance.

You can smooth them out with the help of special gels and creams that help the scar tissue to dissolve, but it is worth noting that in this case the regularity of use of the products and the duration of the treatment period are important.


In my youth, my face was covered with acne, traces of which remained on my cheeks. No makeup helped hide them. When I went to work and had money, I decided that I could afford laser correction. I was very pleased with the result, as if my face had always been smooth.

I have thin and acne-prone skin. In addition, in the cold season it becomes weathered and peels off. It needs additional nutrition. I used to use nourishing creams, but they do not always give the desired effect. I started applying a small amount of olive oil to my face at night. The face became smooth, redness and peeling went away.

Previously, almost a third of my face was covered with wen, which did not add beauty to my appearance. I heard that they are almost impossible to remove using masks and similar products. I decided to try mechanical cleaning. I was pleased with the result. True, the red dots went away for a week, but all the suffering was worth it.

Every woman wants to be the owner of smooth and beautiful skin without scars and marks after acne. To do this, it is important to understand what means and procedures will help achieve the desired result.

Causes of acne and scars on the skin

Smoothing procedures are carried out to rid the skin of post-acne and scars.

Possible reasons for their appearance:

  1. heredity;
  2. age/hormonal changes;
  3. malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  4. improper squeezing of pimples;
  5. prolonged inflammatory process.


How to even out your facial skin

Features of skin smoothing at home and in a beauty salon

How to even out your facial skin at home

Properly selected cleansing cosmetics and preparations for the treatment of defects will help improve your complexion and even out lumpy skin at home.

It is better to cleanse the skin with a special gel or foam, and not with soap, which contains components that disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin and cause acne. It is advisable that the cleanser contain zinc or salicylic acid. These substances can effectively fight acne.

You can even out your skin tone with clay masks, massage (you will need almond oil), and lubricating your face with cucumber, lemon or tomato juice. For those who are going to make clay masks, it is recommended to add rosemary or grapefruit essential oil to blue, green or white clay, then apply a thin layer of the mixture to the face for 20 minutes. The recommended course is 2-3 masks per week for a month. The following tools will also come in handy:

  1. bodyaga in powder form will help “straighten” uneven terrain, and it will also restore the natural regeneration process. The powder is mixed with hydrogen peroxide and applied to the face with a brush for 15-20 minutes;


How to even out your facial skin at home

  1. Aspirin will help “even out” the skin and remove inflammation: you need to crush 2 tablets and mix them with water (a drop) and honey (1 tsp). This mixture should be applied to the face for 10 minutes. Before rinsing off, massage into the epidermis for a minute. Apply once a week;
  2. every other day you can make a mask based on honey and ground cinnamon (1 tsp each). It is applied only to acne spots for 20 minutes;
  3. scars can be lubricated with homemade cream made from olive oil and crushed knotweed along with seeds;
  4. Therapeutic ice will help even out the surface of the skin, lighten pigmentation and freckles. To prepare it you will need an infusion of calendula, chamomile, mint, and string;
  5. Citrus acid will help heal acne wounds and smooth out oily or normal skin. You need to apply a paste of their zest to the skin for about 15 minutes. But citrus fruits should be used with caution by those who are prone to allergies.

At home you can use special anti-scarring agents:


Contractubex is a good remedy for scars

  1. "Skinoren";
  2. "Kelofibrase";
  3. "Fermenkol";
  4. "Antiscar".

Note! You can press a cotton swab/disc soaked in a chlorhexidine solution (concentration no more than 6%) to the scar/scar. Exposure time is 10 seconds with an interval of 6 hours. Afterwards, the scar must be treated with regenerating ointment.

How to even out skin at a cosmetologist

What procedures can be done by a cosmetologist:

  1. physiotherapy (ultrasound, ion or phonophoresis using Fermenkol);
  2. mesotherapy with vitamin cocktails from amino acids, biological products, etc.;
  3. chemical mid-peel: scars are treated with an acid complex (glycolic, salicylic or trichloroacetic acid). The procedure must be carried out in the autumn-winter period every 2-3 months. The disadvantages include a burning sensation at the time of acid exposure and the rehabilitation period (5-7 days the face will not look aesthetically pleasing);
  4. laser resurfacing: a laser beam burns scar tissue, evens out the relief, stimulates collagen production, destroys pathogenic microflora and removes acne marks, but up to 8 procedures may be needed. Laser resurfacing is not suitable for those with dark skin. Obvious disadvantages are the pain of the procedure itself and the healing process + the presence of a rehabilitation period (swelling, peeling, extensive redness and minor hemorrhages);
  5. deep phenol peeling: involves deeper penetration of acid into the skin layers in order to remove deep scars. Disadvantages - pain and high trauma + sunbathing is prohibited for 2-4 weeks after exposure of the skin to phenol. Phenol peeling is suitable exclusively for fair-skinned girls;

Deep phenol peeling

  1. microdermabrasion. Shallow scars, pits and scars will disappear after a course of 10 procedures;
  2. deep dermabrasion: a procedure that removes the top layer of deformed skin. This allows you to get rid of deep scars and scars. The procedure is painful, so anesthesia is required. Another disadvantage is the difficult rehabilitation period, during which the skin needs to be treated with special preparations (regenerating, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory). If the skin damage is significant, 2-3 procedures will be needed at 10-day intervals;
  3. filler injections: with this procedure it will be possible to get rid of deep scars that appeared after acne or chickenpox. Its essence is to fill the “cavities” with hyaluronic acid or collagen (a certain composition is injected under the problem area). It is advisable to do injection courses regularly, since the injected composition is absorbed (the effect lasts 1-2 years);
  4. oxygen therapy: a special gas, injected, will heal tissue, resolve scars and get rid of acne.

Note! Oxygen therapy is only effective for removing fresh scars.


The benefits and harms of procedures

The benefit lies in achieving results - smoothing the skin and getting rid of defects, and possible harm - in individual intolerance to the components or too frequent procedures.

  1. enlarged pores;
  2. unaesthetic scars that appear on the site of acne;
  3. spots formed in the place where acne used to be;
  4. irregularities, pits and tubercles.
  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. diabetes;
  3. herpes;
  4. acute inflammatory and infectious diseases.


Peeling procedures are contraindicated for herpes

How to quickly and effectively even out facial skin after acne and scars: a step-by-step guide

Only surgical intervention will help to quickly and effectively remove post-acne and scars.

  1. subcision. The essence of the method is to excise the fibrous tissue under the scar, and then inject collagen into it to restore the surface of the skin. Visible results from subcision are achieved in 1-2 procedures at intervals of several months. It is advisable to complete the transformation process, after healing, with laser resurfacing;
  2. excision of scars. The essence of the intervention is to make an incision inside the scar and suturing the edges of the tissue (a cosmetic suture is used). After healing, smooth and healthy skin areas are formed instead of a scar. This method allows you to say goodbye to old and rough scars. Perhaps laser resurfacing will be required as a “final touch”;


Laser scar removal

  1. skin grafting. This method will remove the ugliest and deepest scars by removing the deformed layer of skin. In its place, the doctor will make an even “patch.” After healing, in order to completely smooth out the skin, the patient may be offered a dermabrasion procedure.

On a note! During the transplant, the patient’s own skin is used: it is “taken” from the most inconspicuous parts of the body.

Recommendations for further skin care

To prevent the appearance of new scars, it is important to take preventive measures:

  1. Healthy food;
  2. keep your face clean;
  3. treat acne in a timely manner and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process;
  4. do not crush pimples until they are fully ripe, and do not injure the skin with your nails;
  5. For extensive rashes, seek treatment from specialists.

Acne brings a lot of trouble to everyone, but it goes away over time, and the marks from it are a real problem, which is very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, those who are planning to open war on scars and post-acne should be patient and slowly but surely move towards their victory over them.