Boric alcohol against acne

Some medicines used decades ago have survived to this day and are therefore effectively used by modern people. One of these drugs is boric alcohol, which our grandmothers used to cleanse their faces. The solution is great for any inflammation on the skin, including the face.

Boric alcohol for acne actually has an antiseptic effect, thanks to which they quickly disappear. But how safe is this remedy? What side effects should people who have used it to eliminate an unaesthetic problem expect?


Boric alcohol is a disinfectant that relieves redness, inflammation and itching. It has a pronounced drying effect, achieved thanks to the alcohol included in its composition. It quickly penetrates into the body and accumulates in tissues and internal organs. The product is not recommended for constant use, since its components are eliminated from the body for a long time. In addition, alcohol has a toxic effect.

An alcohol solution of boric acid is sold in varying concentrations - from 0.5 to 3%, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Also, boric alcohol can reduce the level of sebum, and this is important when treating problem skin. The average cost of a bottle ranges from 7 to 35 rubles - the drug belongs to the category of economical medical products.


Boric alcohol for acne is used not only to combat unaesthetic abscesses. It is used for:

  1. acne;
  2. dermatitis;
  3. as part of various talkers in the treatment of skin diseases.

In all cases, it is important to follow the main rule - boric alcohol is used at a time when a pimple or other problems have already arisen. The product is not suitable for prevention, as it has a strong drying property, so there is a risk of harming the skin.

Recommendations for use

How to use boric alcohol? This product does not have any special instructions from the manufacturers. Doctors recommend using it in various ways depending on the disease.

For acne and acne, you should wipe pre-cleansed skin with a cotton pad soaked in boric alcohol in the mornings and evenings. Thanks to this, the skin dries out and the inflammatory areas return to a normal, healthy state. Application period is no more than a month. Particular caution should be exercised by people who have dry and overly sensitive skin. The first results are noticeable after 5-7 days. As soon as the acne disappears, you should stop using the drug.

When the skin is clean, but several pronounced pimples with pustules have appeared, boric alcohol is used as a cauterization:

  1. First, cleanse the skin, then apply the product to a cotton pad, then apply it to the pimple.
  2. You need to hold the cotton wool for at least 5-10 minutes, while lightly pressing the inflamed area with the pad of your finger.
  3. Light tingling is possible, but it is this that indicates the penetration of the alcohol solution into the pimple.

As soon as the pimples disappear, you should wipe the areas where they were for a few more days to prevent their occurrence again.

For teenagers who are prone to frequent acne due to hormonal changes in the body, doctors recommend daily wiping with boric alcohol, taking breaks. For example, wipe your face morning and evening for 3 days, then take a break for the same number of days. In this way, you can reduce or completely avoid the occurrence of acne on the face, which becomes the cause of complexes in adolescents.

Side effects

The drug has no pronounced contraindications or negative consequences. The most common side effect, mainly caused by overuse, is drying and flaking of the epidermis. In rare cases, allergic reactions and dizziness are possible - if these symptoms occur, you should immediately stop using the product.

To prevent peeling and redness, it is recommended to follow the recommendations given above and not overuse the alcohol solution.

The medication is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children. Patients with kidney failure, herpes and unhealed injuries should use the solution with caution, or find a replacement for it. You can check the body's reaction to boric alcohol using a special sensitivity test - first wipe the area of ​​the elbow joint with a raster. If no reactions occur, you can safely start using it.

Also, you should not apply the solution to large areas of the body - only to problem areas. And, of course, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and unpredictable reactions, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. In general, boric alcohol is not an aggressive drug. It can be found in many cosmetics, creams and tonics. There are also a huge number of recipes for preparing cosmetics at home, and the product is used in almost all of them.

Advantages and disadvantages

To summarize, it is obvious that boric alcohol is used for acne both in advanced situations and in the initial stages. Advantages of the product:

  1. Unlike the crazy assortment of cosmetics, the cost of which sometimes surprises and frightens, boric alcohol costs less than 50 rubles. All segments of the population will be able to afford its purchase.
  2. Easy to use - the product can be used at home, and both a teenager and an elderly person can handle the application procedure.
  3. The high effectiveness of the drug allows you to combat several skin problems at once, eliminating greasiness, inflammation and acne.

You also need to know the disadvantages, but they boil down to one thing - too frequent use of boric acid can lead to dry skin.


Boric alcohol for the face against acne is an excellent remedy - it perfectly relieves inflammation associated with clogged pores and increased sebum. However, in cases where acne appears as a result of poor nutrition, menopause, or sludge in the body, boric alcohol will not have the expected effect. In these cases, it is recommended to carry out treatment in a different format, and use the product in combination to eliminate the consequences.

Levomethicin tablets, which have antibacterial and antiseptic properties, will help increase the effectiveness of the medication. At 4 tbsp. spoons of boric alcohol, take 5 crushed tablets of Levomethicin, shake the components in a container, and then use them until the acne disappears.

Some ways to combat acne on the face have been known since the time of our grandmothers, or even earlier. However, they are very effective to this day.

The advantages of such funds include the fact that they have stood the test of time.

Such simple and effective anti-acne medications include boric alcohol.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

How effective is this medication and how to use it?

What is this

Boric alcohol is nothing more than an alcoholic solution of boric acid. It uses ethanol with a strength of 70%, while the concentration of the acid itself can be from 0.5 to 5% (this indicator must be indicated on the packaging of the product).

Boric acid itself can be found in powder form at any pharmacy.

Photo: boric acid powder is sold in a pharmacy

It is practically insoluble in water, so it is more convenient to use this product in the form of an alcohol solution.

In medicine, this drug is used as a disinfectant and antipruritic.


Boric acid solution has long been used to solve minor skin problems. This may include inflammation, minor cuts and abrasions.

Cosmetologists also adopted this remedy, finding out that it can fight:

This solution acts as a peeling on the skin, deeply cleansing it. The substance itself does not have anti-inflammatory properties, but it disinfects not only the surface of the skin, but also the depth of the pores. And when there are no pathogenic bacteria, inflammation has nowhere to come from.

Photo: acne on the face

Here is the effect you can expect from using boric alcohol against acne:

  1. cleansing the ducts of the sebaceous glands from impurities;
  2. disinfection of skin pores;
  3. narrowing of pores;
  4. drying out acne;
  5. getting rid of blackheads;
  6. reduction in the number of new rashes.

The use of this alcohol solution clears the skin of acne, which can be confirmed by photos before and after its use.

The result is not always quick, which depends both on the individual characteristics of the skin and the severity of the acne, but you can be sure of its duration.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Most often, boric alcohol when used for acne has positive reviews, because it helps fight not only the rashes themselves, but also excess oil, which is especially important for problem skin.

But, like any product, boric acid has both positive aspects and disadvantages.

The advantages of the drug include the following properties:

  1. begins to act after the first application to the skin;
  2. does not cause odor-related discomfort or other unpleasant sensations;
  3. has a long lasting effect;
  4. allows you to burn pimples, causing them to quickly dry out;
  5. acts deeply on the skin, cleansing the sebaceous ducts, and not just the surface of the epidermis;
  6. can be used on the body and face;
  7. is not addictive;
  8. can be used as a prophylactic.

An undoubted advantage is the price of boric alcohol, which is more than affordable.

For example, the table shows the cost (in rubles) of a 3% alcohol solution of boric acid (in a 25 ml bottle) in Moscow pharmacies:

36,6 Gorzdrav Capitals Samson-pharma Pharmacy IFC
25 7,90 5 7,92 12

That is, on average, this drug can be purchased in just for 10 rubles.

The disadvantages of boric alcohol are:

  1. It acts quickly only for minor rashes; in advanced cases, the effect will have to wait;
  2. may cause peeling of the skin if used too often or if it affects healthy areas;
  3. does not affect subcutaneous acne;
  4. contains alcohol;
  5. At first, it may cause an increase in rashes.

Whether boric alcohol helps with acne largely depends on the individual condition of the skin and its characteristics.

Therefore, only after trying this remedy can you draw a conclusion about its effectiveness in your own case.

Video: “Lotion recipe for problem skin”

Mode of application

How to use this acne remedy? The drug is very simple, but its use has its own characteristics.

On the face

Boric alcohol is suitable for use against acne on both the face and any part of the body.

But still, use in open areas should be more careful, taking precautions.

The instructions for use of boric acid do not provide specific recommendations for the use of this drug against acne.

  1. But dermatologists recommend wiping your face with the solution using a cotton pad.
  2. Apply alcohol only to problem areas so as not to cause drying and peeling of the skin.
  3. The drug is used after cleansing the face on dry skin. Rubbing is done once or twice a day.

Photo: the product can be applied to the face using a cotton pad

If after several days of use you notice dry skin, the number of wipes should be reduced to one per day, preferably at night. You should also not forget about moisturizing your skin, and when going outside, protect your face from direct sunlight.

Positive dynamics in the condition of the skin can be noticed already by the end of the first week of using boric alcohol.

But you can continue using the drug until the rash disappears completely, for 1-2 months. Alcohol can then be used for preventive purposes.


  1. Boric alcohol can be used undiluted, straight from the bottle.
  2. But you can also mix it with other ingredients for more effective use.

To reduce the drying effect of alcohol, the solution can be diluted in half with boiled water before application.

It’s even better to add chamomile decoction instead of water, also in a 1:1 ratio. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory property that boric alcohol does not have, so rubbing it this way will help fight acne faster.


Boric alcohol-based mash usually consists of several components.

They complement the effects of boric acid solution, providing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects.

Photo: means for making mash

Cosmetologists recommend the following products that can be made at home:

  1. Chatter with zinc ointment. For this you will need boric and salicylic acid (half a bottle each), as well as 1 tsp. zinc ointment. All components should be thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand for 2 hours. This mash is stored in the refrigerator, and the contents are shaken well before use. Apply the solution only to the acne area 1-2 times a day.
  2. With chloramphenicol.Levomycetin is a well-known component of the acne mash, which used to be ordered at the pharmacy. You can make such a product yourself. It will require boric and salicylic acid in equal proportions (4 tablespoons each) and 10 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol. All ingredients should be shaken thoroughly. Apply the solution to acne 2 times a day - in the morning and before bed.
  3. Chatter with boric acid powder. For it, take 5 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and chloramphenicol, add 1 tsp. boric acid powder and mix it all in a glass of vodka. The mash should sit for several days. Use it for 5 days twice a day, then take a week break.
  4. With sulfur. Take 50 ml of salicylic and boric alcohol. Add 7 grams of streptocide and sulfur (both substances are sold in powders). Mix everything well and apply to acne areas 2 times a day.

How to take activated charcoal for acne? Find out here.


Lotion with boric alcohol will help get rid of blackheads. It deeply cleanses pores and tightens them.

Prepare as follows: you need to take 2 tbsp. l. boric and camphor alcohol, add salicylic alcohol (1 tbsp.), 4 tbsp. l. calendula tincture and 6 tbsp. l. distilled (can be replaced with boiled) water. The ingredients should be mixed in a dark glass container.

You should lubricate your face with this lotion at night after washing your face.


Once you start using boric alcohol, you may notice some unfavorable factors. Not all of them require immediate discontinuation of the drug.

Here are some of them.

  1. After starting to use the product, you may notice an increased number of acne appearing. This is a natural consequence of unclogging pores. Therefore, there is no need to discontinue the drug. You should continue to use it with the same frequency as before.
  2. A boric acid solution is best suited for getting rid of acne in teenagers or people with combination skin. It also helps get rid of rashes on the back and chest. But in other cases its use is not only possible, but also effective.
  3. If you want to get rid of a pimple immediately, then boric alcohol is a bad helper. This is a longer lasting treatment.
  4. And most importantly, when taken orally, this alcohol solution is a strong poison, so keep the bottle with it away from children.

Preventing acne with boric alcohol

An alcohol solution of boric acid can also be used for preventive purposes.

  1. For daily use, it is recommended to prepare a special wiping lotion. It will require 50 ml of boric acid and a glass of boiled water. You need to wipe your face with this lotion twice a day after washing. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator.
  2. Boric alcohol can also be used once if the skin is heavily contaminated. Its antiseptic properties will help disinfect the epidermis, preventing the proliferation of bacteria.

Are there any side effects?

Unfortunately, this drug can cause various side effects.

Photo: the drug can cause dryness and flaking of the skin

They may appear as:

  1. peeling and dry skin;
  2. redness;
  3. burning;
  4. allergic reactions.

In these cases, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor if necessary.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of boric alcohol is prohibited.


Can something as simple as boric acid really help fight acne?

Photo: review of the use of chatterbox

It is best to learn about it from those people who have used it for this purpose.

How to cure acne on the face at home? Find out here.

What do pimples on the face mean? Read on.

At least its effectiveness in combating some skin problems has been proven for decades.

But it should be remembered that sometimes acne is caused by internal problems of the body, and in this case any external remedy will bring only a temporary effect.

Video: “Alcohol lotion for problem skin”

You can buy boric alcohol for acne at any pharmacy. The cost of the product is available to students and pensioners and does not exceed 50 cents.

In addition, acetylsalicylic acid is an effective anti-inflammatory for acne. Tetracycline ointment for acne has an excellent effect on the skin. One of the treatments that helps is a solarium for acne. Ultraviolet light treats suppuration.

You can take the antibiotic Acyclovir internally for acne. Great medicine. And Levomycetin will help cure poorly healing ulcers after large acne breakouts.

How to use against rashes

Take a cotton swab and now dip it in alcohol. Wipe your skin thoroughly. Especially where there are inflamed areas on the face. Do not expect the improvement to be noticeable immediately, but after 7 days you will realize that the number of acne has become smaller and there are few new ones. Zinc paste has a similar effect by drying the skin. Levomycetin has a deeper effect on the skin.

Boric is used to:

  1. Remove any inflamed comedones;
  2. When there are a lot of acne on the face;
  3. Increased sebum secretion on the skin.

The skin does not get used to this product. Therefore, it can be used daily. It perfectly cleanses pores of excess sebum released from the pores. Sebaceous plugs will not occur with regular use of such alcohol. Tetracycline for acne is also good for this purpose. At the same time, take Acyclovir orally for acne.

Small comedones are cauterized and do not develop into large abscesses. In addition, try Klerasil for acne. Teenagers especially love it. They are willing to buy and zinc paste helps them. Teenagers can also use Curiosin for acne.

Mode of application

Buy boric alcohol 3% at the pharmacy. Cleanse pores of oil 2 times a day. This product is suitable for you if your skin type is oily or combination and also prone to acne. Do you have a dry skin type and similarly develop comedones and various ulcers? You should not overdry it, so use it once a day. Zinc paste can also be used once a day.

Don't be upset if a week passes and not all the acne has gone away. This means that you need to continue the treatment course. Wipe the skin for 1 month. Boric alcohol is potent, as is zinc paste. It definitely cleanses the pores, which means that over time, blackheads will have nowhere to come from, since the pores will not be clogged by sebaceous plugs. You can try combining alcohol and Tetracycline for acne.

What result to expect

Those who have used boric alcohol for a long time leave their reviews about the product on the Internet. People confirm that boric alcohol quickly removes small comedones. It also effectively fights teenage acne caused by inflammation caused by staphylococci and other microbes. Birch tar from acne will help remove abscesses.

If you have an exacerbation and there are more acne, you can make a mask. It includes 1 or 2 drops of effective tea tree oil, Levomycetin (1 tablet) and 1 tsp. alcohol Mix everything and lubricate your face with mash. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, hold for 5 to approximately 15 minutes. and can be washed off with clean water or infusion of various herbs. Once a day, you can use it in addition to alcohol. Acne pits.


As soon as you start using boric alcohol, there will be more rashes. Why is this happening? The infection is coming out. And you will slowly but surely destroy it. Continue the procedures. Real improvement will soon come, and you will be very glad that you did not quit treatment. Levomycetin allows you to treat purulent acne more deeply.

If the pores are clean, then no inflammation will occur - this is clear to schoolchildren. People recommend acne tar for inflammation. They say it is an effective remedy. In addition, Aevit is a good medicine for acne.

The product is inexpensive and parents buy it for schoolchildren for regular care. Of course, it is suitable for those who have combination or naturally oily skin. Levomycetin is good for purulent rashes and boils. Cauterization with boric alcohol is useful in these cases.

If you want your face to remain clean, continue to wipe it with this product 2 times a day. In addition, Bepanten is good for acne. People recommend birch tar for acne.

It’s okay that alcohol won’t quickly remove a pimply acne, but in a month you won’t see comedones and ulcers on your forehead or cheeks, etc. in the mirror. Alcohol will help if the inflammation is caused by microbes and not due to demodex (this skin mite). And demodicosis is successfully treated with acne pits. Can be used once a day or see instructions. Aevit is an excellent remedy for acne. Now you know which products are the best for cleansing the skin and you can purchase them for yourself or your child at the pharmacy.