Ubtan for face recipes


The recipe is several thousand years old; before the wedding ceremony, the Indian bride treated her skin with a miraculous powder, and it became soft and silky. Hindus practically do not use soap; they use powder made from natural ingredients as a detergent, which is mixed with plain water before taking a bath and applied to the dermis.

What does the powder consist of and how does it affect the epidermis?

A natural product that is absolutely harmless to the body helps preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, and also brings enormous health benefits. This Ayurvedic preparation is used as a caring element for the skin of the face and body; it can replace a cleansing mask, a light and gentle scrub, soap and even hair shampoo.

After using ubtan, the skin acquires a subtle, delicate aroma. As a result of regular treatment with ubtan, the skin is renewed and becomes incredibly smooth and velvety, pores narrow, blackheads and pimples disappear. The preparation for facial skin is prepared on the basis of exclusively herbal ingredients, so ubtan copes well with any skin problems, including dermatitis.

According to ancient recipes, the Indian cleanser contains many components: grain flour, medicinal herbs, flowers, clay, various natural oils and much more. The required ingredient of the powder is saponin, thanks to which ubtan foams well and is perfectly absorbed. For a specific skin type, you can create the most suitable mixture.

The original product from India can be purchased in specialized departments or ordered online, but ubtan has a fairly high cost, so you can save money and time and prepare the powder yourself from components that are ideal for your skin type. Despite the fact that it is difficult to purchase traditional Indian herbs from us, a miracle drug can be prepared from local herbal ingredients.

First of all, ubtan is used to cleanse the skin; unlike ordinary soap, it does not dry out the epidermis, but, on the contrary, restores skin cells. Ubtan can be used in the form:

  1. daily cleanser;
  2. masks;
  3. acne remedies.

Despite its completely natural composition, not everyone is allowed to use ubtan for skin care. There are some prohibitions on use, namely:

  1. the presence of a vascular network (rosacea) on the skin;
  2. fungal infection of the skin;
  3. acute inflammatory processes and boils;
  4. abrasions, wounds and scratches on the surface of the dermis;
  5. individual intolerance to one of the components.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should select skin care products with special care, and also take into account the type and individual characteristics of the skin.


You can prepare the miraculous ubtan yourself by replacing expensive Indian spices with plants that are common in our country. For example, mixtures of medicinal herbs can be found in any pharmacy, and the desired type of flour can be found in a supermarket.

It is best to use rice, oat, corn, wheat, pea or flax flour as a base. Some recipes call for sesame, flaxseed or lentils instead of flour.

Ubtan foams thanks to additives from the following herbs:

Of the natural oils, flaxseed or olive oil, sunflower oil, avocado oil or grape seed oil are most often added to the composition of the product.

For independent preparation of ubtan, medicinal plants are used:

  1. calendula, which has a powerful wound-healing effect, quickly restores damaged skin, relieves inflammation;
  2. chamomile – relieves irritation and itching;
  3. ginger – acts as a tonic by improving blood circulation in the epidermal cells;
  4. nettle refreshes the skin and makes its surface smooth and velvety;
  5. turmeric is necessary to improve complexion, and also perfectly tones the skin and stops inflammatory processes;
  6. seaweed is included in many recipes as a powerful stimulator of collagen production - under the influence of this component, the skin becomes more elastic and wrinkles are smoothed out;
  7. plantain, sage – prevent early aging;
  8. thyme cleanses the skin;
  9. mint – tones, cleanses and relieves inflammation;
  10. linden – replenishes the deficiency of beneficial microelements, cleanses and moisturizes.

When choosing the most suitable recipe for preparing ubtan, you must make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components specified in the recipe.

The main rule for preparing ubtan for the face is that there should be five of all components, for example, five types of oil, five types of medicinal herbs and five types of flour. Which ingredients will be added to the miracle mixture depends on the skin type and individual characteristics of the body. So, prepare ubtan as follows:

  1. If you don’t have ready-made flour on hand, you can make it yourself using a coffee grinder. Grind the cereal for flour, as well as the other ingredients, carefully; the finer the grind, the better the mixture for the face.
  2. Flour and chopped herbs are combined in equal proportions. You can take a teaspoon of each type of flour (wheat, corn, pea, oatmeal, etc.), add the same amount of herbs (nettle, chamomile, calendula). Turmeric is allowed to be used as a tonic, but it is added to the mixture strictly according to the recipe, since turmeric can greatly change the color of the skin.
  3. The finished powder is diluted with warm water and left for a couple of minutes for the mixture to infuse. Use as a mask - apply to the skin and leave for five minutes. You can also use the powder as a facial scrub.
  4. An essential component of traditional ubtan is natural oil, which is added to the mixture in a ratio of 1:0.5. For example, for two teaspoons of flour take one spoon of butter, or even less. Next, mix until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. The product should be stored in a tightly closed container, in a place inaccessible to moisture. Shelf life is about seven days.

Ubtan can be used as a daily face wash, as a scrub to gently cleanse the skin, and also as a therapeutic mask for rashes, irritation, and even dermatitis.

  1. Add liquid components to the dry mixture, mix well and treat the surface of the skin with the resulting composition. The ubtan is applied strictly along the massage lines.
  2. When using the product as a scrub, the mass is applied to the skin, gently massaging problem areas with your fingertips. To enhance the effect, cosmetologists recommend adding ground coffee, soda or sea salt to the ubtan composition - these ingredients will help get rid of acne and cleanse the dermis of dead cells. The mixture is ideal for eliminating dirt and excess sebum.
  3. If you intend to use ubtan to wash your face, apply the mixture to the skin and immediately rinse with warm water.
  4. A therapeutic ubtan mask is applied to the surface of the epidermis and left for no more than 15 minutes, then washed. To enhance the effect, you can additionally add cocoa, fruits or berries, lemon, orange zest and other natural ingredients to the composition.

Self-prepared ubtan can be used as a makeup remover; the mixture not only deeply cleanses the skin, but also soothes and relieves irritation.


Masks with ubtan have a beneficial effect on any skin, regardless of its type and condition - irritation goes away, moisture balance is restored and the deficiency of useful elements in the cells of the epidermis is replenished.

Sensitive skin care

For delicate care of very delicate and sensitive skin, the following recipes are suitable:

  1. Sprouted young oats are ground with nettle, lavender and sage, and a little turmeric and castor oil are added. The resulting mixture is diluted with milk to a puree-like consistency and treated with skin. The product quickly relieves irritation, redness and helps get rid of flaking on the surface of the skin.
  2. Add crushed flaxseed and dry milk to oatmeal (as a base). Dilute with water and use the resulting mixture to remove makeup.
  3. Oat bran flour is combined with milk powder, ground almonds are added and used for regular care.

A moisturizing and nourishing skin mask is prepared with the addition of sour cream or milk; aloe juice also gives amazing results - ubtan is applied to the surface of the skin and lightly massaged for ten minutes.

If you need to prepare a product for daily washing, add half a teaspoon of olive oil to the composition, then the skin will become smooth and velvety.

Caring for problem skin

You can get rid of acne and rashes on your face with regular use of ubtan. Recipes for problem skin do not involve using the product in its pure form; ubtan should be diluted with yogurt or sour cream in a 1:2 ratio, you can also add a couple of drops of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the face and gently massaged into the skin for several minutes, then washed.

Care for aging skin

Anti-aging ubtan, which smooths out wrinkles and restores the elasticity of the skin, is prepared with the addition of components in the same quantity (two tablespoons of each):

  1. linden flowers (a powerful antioxidant necessary to activate collagen production);
  2. kelp (high levels of iodine);
  3. cosmetic clay (suitable for your skin type);
  4. oatmeal (gently cleanses and evens out skin texture).

All dry ingredients are mixed and diluted with milk (or water) to a paste consistency. This type of mixture is recommended for daily washing.

Even normal skin, which is not prone to peeling, rashes and other problematic manifestations, requires constant care. Ubtan is an ideal product made from natural ingredients, with its help you can get rid of oily shine on the face, remove blackheads and pimples, even out skin texture and smooth out wrinkles.

The main condition is to choose the right unique composition, depending on the type of epidermis. For dry skin, you will need nourishing and moisturizing components; for oily skin, on the contrary, drying substances with an antiseptic effect.

Also, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition and good sleep, combined with well-chosen skin care products, will help preserve the beauty and youth of your skin for a long time.

The face requires special treatment, because from the very morning we apply all kinds of cosmetics to it and expose it to the weather all day long, and we wash it thoroughly only before going to bed.

True, it is not always possible to remove impurities from the face and completely cleanse the skin and pores. This is why various rashes, peeling and other unpleasant indicators may appear on the face.

A little about ubtan

For more than 5 thousand years, Indians have been using ubtan for skin care. This drug is an excellent replacement for soap, masks and various scrubs that are used to cleanse the body and face.

In India you will not find such a product as soap. On their bathroom shelves there are exclusively cosmetics in powder form. When taking a shower, they simply dilute the powder with water and apply it to the body. You can buy ubtan in cosmetic stores and prepare it yourself at home.

Ubtan for the face consists exclusively of herbal ingredients. It contains herbal powders and grain flour. It can be used as a facial skin care product, body skin care, and even as a hair shampoo.

Thanks to its Ayurvedic properties, this drug is an excellent assistant in the fight against skin problems. It allows you to fight even the manifestations of dermatitis. It works on the principle of a scrub, but it’s light and gentle.

Real ubtan must be prepared exclusively from natural products. The only problem is that traditional Indian herbs are quite rare in our markets. But this cannot prevent the production of this miracle remedy.

Our country has quite a large number of plants that can replace Indian spices. You can buy herbal mixtures at the pharmacy, and you can buy varieties of flour at grocery stores.

What components are ubtan made from?


To prepare the base you will need: corn flour, oatmeal, rice, flaxseed, pea and wheat flour. In some cases, you can replace it with sesame seeds, lentils and flax seeds.

Herbs you will need:

  1. seaweed - it helps stimulate collagen production, increases skin elasticity, and reduces the number of wrinkles;
  2. chamomile is an excellent option for relieving irritations;
  3. nettle is suitable for refreshing the skin, making it velvety and soft;
  4. ginger increases blood flow - an excellent tonic for the face;
  5. Calendula allows you to quickly heal wounds and restores the skin from inflammation.

Before you start preparing ubtan, it is best to make sure that none of the components will cause you an allergy. Select ingredients based on your skin type and immunity.

In the form of oil you can use grape seed oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil and even sunflower oil.

Options for using ubtan for skin

Ubtan is an excellent product for the skin that does not spoil it, but rather restores it. If, when using soap, the skin becomes clogged and deteriorates, then ubtan can bring it into excellent condition.

  1. You can use ubtan as a cleanser. Suitable for daily use.
  2. Can be used as a mask. This way you will better saturate the skin.
  3. You can use it as a makeup remover from the skin. This option is quite gentle on the skin and soothes it.

Face masks with ubtan can be different, depending on your skin type. They just have the same result - the skin becomes soft, velvety, moisturized and without irritation.

Recipes for making natural remedies with your own hands


How to prepare ubtan at home? The essence of the preparation is that you need to mix all the ingredients in “all five” proportions. That is, you need to have 5 types of herbs, 5 different oils and 5 types of flour. In principle, you can replace some ingredients based on your overall skin type.

First of all, you need to mix the ingredients for the base and herbs in a 1:1 ratio. If you don’t have ready-made flour, you can grind it in a coffee grinder. Next, you need to grind the herbs and mix everything.

Important! In order for the ubtan to be perfect, you need to grind all the ingredients very carefully. Its condition should be like dust. After all procedures have been completed, the contents are suitable for use. You need to dilute it with water and wait a few minutes for the mixture to steam well.

Next, you need to apply to the skin with light massage movements and then rinse off. In some cases, you can leave it on your face for 5-10 minutes as a mask. Due to the ingredients, ubtan scrubs the skin well and removes dead skin cells.

If you want to get ubtan infusion, then you need to add oil to the mixture. The recommended proportion is 2:1, that is, if you added 1 spoon of herbs and flour, then you need to add half as much oil.

Cosmetologists recommend storing the finished ubtan in tightly closed jars. The storage location must be dry. Shelf life: no more than 1 week.

For use on problem skin, ubtan is not recommended in its pure form. It is best to mix in proportions 1:2 with sour cream or natural yogurt. It will be best if you add a few drops of lemon juice.

After this, you need to scrub the skin with light massage movements for several minutes. Your skin will become velvety and matte. If you use ubtan regularly, you will be able to reduce the number of breakouts on your face.

Ubtan for facial skin against acne and pimples should be used immediately and without long-term storage. If you are going to store it, then be prepared for the fact that microbes may appear in the product and this will have an even worse effect on your skin.

If you are preparing a cleanser, then the finished ubtan mixture must be mixed with half a teaspoon of olive oil. This product is perfect for daily use.

If you need a mask, then you need to add a few tablespoons of milk or sour cream to the ubtan. The best option is aloe juice. This product must be applied to the face and massaged with light movements for 10 minutes.

With the help of ubtan, your skin will become nourished, moisturized and velvety to the touch.

If you want to restore the balance of your skin, then you need to add components to the finished ubtan mixture, which we will consider below.

  1. Almond. It must be mixed with milk powder and oat bran flour. Mix thoroughly and use daily as a preventive measure.
  2. Flax seeds. It is best to use oatmeal as a base. Mix with crushed flaxseeds and dry milk. Mix with purified water and apply to skin. This product is perfect for removing makeup and cleansing.
  3. Turmeric. Ground sprouted oats should be used as a basis. Add ground nettle, lavender, turmeric and sage to it. Mix with milk until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Adding castor oil would be optimal. With this product you can rid yourself of flaking skin and reduce the amount of redness.

Contraindications for using natural remedies


Despite the fact that this product has proven itself well, there may well be negative consequences, because everyone has different skin, and it reacts differently to care.

So, let's look at the contraindications in more detail:

  1. Fungal diseases. Since the product must be rubbed in with massage movements to increase blood circulation, it can only aggravate the problem and enlarge the areas of the disease.
  2. Ulcers. Using ubtan may increase irritation and prevent rapid healing.
  3. Vascular network. Due to the fact that ubtan is used to enhance blood circulation, it can increase the dilation of blood vessels.
  4. Individual not combination. If you apply the product and notice that irritation or rashes appear, it is recommended to analyze the ingredients and determine which product you may be allergic to. In the future it is better to replace this product.

Having good skin is not luck. This is great work. In addition to good sleep, proper nutrition and hydration, you need to be very careful about what products you use to care for your skin.

You need to carefully look at the composition of “care” products and know which ingredients you may have an allergic reaction to.

Ubtan is no exception. Despite the fact that this is a well-proven remedy, it can also lead to unpleasant consequences. Be careful.


Ubtan is an excellent Ayurvedic cleanser that replaces cleanser, body soap, peeling and mask. In the previous article, we talked about what Ayurvedic ubtan powder is, what properties it has and what it can be included in its composition. If you want to make your own ubtan at home, then read the previous article first. And in this article we let's continue to talk about ubtan:

  1. how to make ubtan with your own hands at home
  2. Features of preparation and storage of ubtan
  3. how to make ubtan for dry skin, for problematic oily skin, for normal skin, for aging skin
  4. how to use ayurvedic ubtan powder
  5. where to buy components for ubtan
  6. where to buy ready-made ubtan


Ubtan recipe: how to make Ayurvedic ubtan powder with your own hands

Let's give basic ubtan recipe that is suitable for all skin types. The ingredients for this Ayurvedic ubtan powder recipe are not difficult to obtain.

So, the composition of the basic ubtan recipe:

  1. Chickpea flour
  2. Chopped red lentils
  3. Ground oat flakes. Exfoliate skin, tighten pores
  4. Ground flax seeds
  1. Turmeric is an essential component of ubtan. Has anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects. Because can give the skin a yellowish tint, then it is worth using turmeric in a very small amount as part of ubtan
  2. Ginger. Powerful antioxidant, improves complexion and tightens skin. Not recommended for rosacea. It’s worth adding just a little bit of ginger to the mixture, as well as turmeric
  3. Nutmeg. Stimulates blood circulation
  4. Cinnamon.
  5. Chamomile. Soothes the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect
  6. Lavender
  7. Linden flowers. Soften the skin, smooth out wrinkles
  8. Calendula. Cleanses pores, retains moisture in the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect
  9. Mint and lemon balm. Tones and refreshes the skin
  10. Nettle. Works great on any skin type
  11. Parsley. Suitable for sensitive, irritated skin
  12. Thyme/oregano/plantain/eucalyptus. Good for problem skin, relieves inflammation
  13. You can add hibiscus and green tea
  1. Licorice/soaproot
  2. Horsetail. It not only has soapy properties, but also relieves inflammation and tightens pores.
  3. Sage. Antiseptic and soothing effect

Use ghassoul clay or clay according to your skin type

  1. Ground almonds
  2. Ground sesame
  3. Dry kelp or fucus
  4. When grinding, an oil is released that softens the skin.

You can replace some of the components with others depending on your skin type (you will find recommendations later in the article), and also not use some of the proposed components if you have difficulty finding them.
You can experiment endlessly with the ingredients for preparing Ayurvedic ubtan powder.. But it is better to add the components gradually; first, take 3-7 herbs that you are definitely not allergic to, 1 type of saponins and clay, 1-2 types of flour.

How to make Ayurvedic ubtan powder with your own hands:

Approximate ratio of components in the composition:

  1. Flour – 2 units
  2. Clay – 0.5-1 units.
  3. Herbs and spices – 4 units. You can take an equal amount of all herbs, and a small pinch of ginger and turmeric

Procedure for preparing ubtan with your own hands:

  1. Grind licorice root, it is very hard and takes more time
  2. Finely grind the herbs and spices for ubtan in a coffee grinder
  3. Grind chickpeas and lentils into flour
  4. Add clay
  5. It is advisable to grind the ground components in a mortar in small portions
  6. Carefully sift all components through a fine sieve. Possible through nylon tights)
  7. Mix everything and put it in a tightly closed glass jar in a dark place.

Features of preparing ubtan with your own hands and storing ubtan

Let us highlight several features of preparing and storing ubtan:

  1. Prepared with well-dried herbs
  2. Very fine grinding of ingredients and careful sifting, especially if you plan to use daily
  3. If you are not using a ready-made ubtan recipe, check the herbs for compatibility
  4. Choose herbs that you are not allergic to
  5. It is desirable that the ubtan contains all the components: herbs, flour, clay and saponins
  6. Mix ubtan with liquids immediately before use. If you mix it with water or a decoction of herbs, then this mixture can stay in the refrigerator for a couple of days
  7. Dry ubtan should be stored in a tightly closed jar in a dark place; it can be stored for six months to a year.
  8. Do not allow water to enter the jar


Ayurvedic ubtan powder for dry skin

The following herbs and flowers are used for ubtan for dry skin:

  1. Rose petals
  2. Linden
  3. Citrus zest
  4. Thyme
  5. Melissa
  6. Sage
  7. Chamomile
  8. Coltsfoot
  9. cornflower
  10. Fenugreek
  11. Exotic herbs: ashwagandha, lotus seeds

Clays for ubtan for dry skin:

  1. Rassoul
  2. Pink or black clay

Cereals for ubtan for dry skin:

Saponins for ubtan for dry skin:

Ubtan liquids for dry skin:

For dry sensitive skin, reduce the amount of clay and flour in ubtan.

Ayurvedic ubtan powder for oily problem skin

Components of ubtan for oily problem skin:

  1. Calendula
  2. Nettle
  3. Eucalyptus
  4. Linden
  5. St. John's wort
  6. Echinacea
  7. Series
  8. Sage
  9. Thyme
  10. Fenugreek
  11. Birch leaves or buds
  12. Rowan or viburnum fruits
  13. Exotic herbs: ama-laki, brahmi, manjishta, margosa, white sandalwood, lotus seeds

Clays for ubtan for oily problem skin:

  1. Ghassoul
  2. Blue clay
  3. Green or white clay

Cereals for ubtan for oily problem skin:

Saponins for ubtan for oily problem skin:

Ubtan liquids for oily problem skin:

  1. Yogurt with lemon juice
  2. Calendula or lavender flower water
  3. Aloe juice
  4. A few drops of tea tree and lavender essential oil

The recipe for ubtan for problem skin with acne and post-acne from the doctor of Ayurvedic medicine Kuram Muskhir includes:

  1. chickpea flour
  2. red lentil flour
  3. turmeric
  4. mustard oil
  5. warm milk to turn ubtan into paste

Can be used for daily washing and as an anti-inflammatory mask.

Ayurvedic ubtan powder for aging skin

For aging skin, use herbs such as:

  1. Jasmine
  2. Rose petals
  3. Eucalyptus
  4. Citrus zest
  5. Exotic plants for ubtan: ashwagandha, bib-hitaki, haritaki, margosa

Clays for ubtan for aging skin:

Dilute ubtan for aging skin with the following liquids:

  1. Milk
  2. Carrier oils such as wheat germ, jojoba or grapeseed with rose or neroli essential oil
  3. Rose flower water or jasmine flower water
  4. Aloe juice

Do not forget add cereal flour and saponins to the ubtan recipe

Ayurvedic ubtan powder for normal skin

To prepare ubtan for normal skin mix the mixture of herbs with spring, mineral purified water, as well as a decoction of herbs or flower water of your choice. This ubtan in the form of a paste can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

For any skin type, you can add a few drops of essential oil with cleansing properties.eg myrtle, rosemary

How to use Ayurvedic ubtan powder

Ayurvedic ubtan powder is not brewed, but simply soaked with liquid. Then you apply the paste to the skin, massage the skin along the massage lines, thinking about beautiful and healthy skin (in Ayurveda, a lot of emphasis is placed on a positive attitude). And after a couple of minutes you wash off the mixture. AND enjoy amazingly soft, velvety, smooth, radiant and pleasantly smelling skin. Using ubtan is easier than it seems, try it yourself and see its amazing effectiveness for beauty, youth and healthy skin!

Washing with ubtan in the morning

  1. ½-1 tsp. pour mixture onto wet hand
  2. Add a pre-prepared decoction of herbs, flower water, mineral water, whey or milk according to your skin type. Can be diluted with just water
  3. Grind the ubtan with the liquid in your palm to form a smooth paste. You can also dilute ubtan in a cup
  4. Apply the paste to your face and do a light massage along the massage lines. Before the massage, you can let the mixture dry slightly on the skin.
  5. Leave on face for 1-3 minutes.
  6. Rinse off with cool water
  7. Get clean and fragrant skin!
  8. Apply tonic (preferably flower water), then moisturizer

Usually ubtan is used daily or every other day. You can also cleanse your skin with ubtan in courses to restore your skin. If the skin is delicate and thin, then you should not use ubtan every day, because it is still a peeling, albeit a very finely ground one.

Washing with ubtan in the evening
The same steps, but you can add honey, oils, kefir, milk, herbal decoction, yogurt with lemon juice. See recommendations for skin type. If you use oil in ubtan paste, then the mixture should be moderately oily. Wash off the ubtan with oil with warm water, you can use a terry towel (wash cloth).

Body wash with ubtan
We dilute ubtan in the same way, apply it to the body, and wash it off after a couple of minutes. For the body, you can use a slightly coarser grind of the ubtan components.
You can first apply oil to the body, and then apply it to a little dry ubtan and lightly rub it.

Ubtan mask
As a mask, you can leave ubtan on the skin for up to 10 minutes.

Ubtan as Ipling
Ubtan is also used as a gentle peeling of the skin, especially if there are a lot of herbs, and you massage with ubtan longer

Body wrap with ubtan
Ubtan can also be used to wrap the body

Face or body massage with ubtan
In this case, the use of oil is mandatory. First apply the oil to the skin, then apply Ayurvedic ubtan powder on top like a powder. And get a massage. And leave the ubtan mixture on your skin for a few minutes before washing it off.

You can also use Ayurvedic ubtan powder for making Beldi soap.


Where to buy ingredients for making ubtan

Components for ubtan can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Herbs can be collected independently in areas away from cities, roads, landfills and quarries, dried well
  2. Herbs and clays can be bought at a pharmacy or Indian store or organic cosmetics store
  3. Buy herbal teas or herbal teas at the pharmacy
  4. Buy herbs, clay and flour at the organic cosmetics store iherb.com
  5. You can buy flour at an organic food store or a large grocery store. Or buy the cereal itself and grind the flour yourself
  6. Herbs: buy phytomasks from herbal compositions, for example, phytomasks from the Kholinka brand

Where to buy ready-made ubtan

Ready-made Ayurvedic ubtan powder can be purchased in Ayurvedic stores, most often these will be online stores. It is called “ubtan”, or “ubtan for dry skin” or another skin type. In English - Ayurvedic Ubtao. May also be called herbal wash.

We also want you introduce analogues and varieties of ubtan that you probably didn’t know about. These powders also perfectly care for the skin, cleanse it, gently exfoliate and nourish it.:
1. Ayurvedic powder from Auromere (Auromere Rejuvenating Mud Bath & Mask)
Judging by the composition, it is precisely Ayurvedic ubtan. An excellent remedy for everything and for everything. And wash, and mask, and soft peeling, and wrap and bath product. It contains chickpea flour, various clays, and a whole range of Indian herbs. Reviews about this product are excellent. From personal experience, it simply transforms your skin if you use it regularly. But you can also use it as an instant beauty mask! In general, we recommend it.
2. Bee Naturals facial peeling (Bee Naturals, Queen Bee Facial Polish)
The peeling contains clay, oatmeal, crushed herbs, honey and propolis. The skin just glows after using it! We recommend using 2 times a week.


3. Holika lithobiocomplexes for washing and cleansing the body and scalp. It contains the mineral zeolite, salt from the Altai lakes, and herbs. Amazing cleanser. The skin glows with purity and freshness. “With healing herbs” is perfect for oily problem skin, “Forte” with mumiyo and propolis is perfect for dry skin.
4. Kholinka phytocompositions for washing the body skin, as well as wraps and baths. Contains the mineral zeolite, salt from the Altai lakes, ground pine nut shells, and herbs. A good alternative to shower gels. Normalizes all processes in the skin, incl. sweating, eliminates inflammation on the skin, helps with skin diseases.
As part of the last two products, salts and zeolite perform the function of cleansing and gently exfoliating the skin, and also have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.


All four products contain only natural ingredients. The authors of the site tried these products on themselves a long time ago and loved them very much, so we confidently recommend them to you!

Conclusions about Ayurvedic ubtan powder and your comments

Ubtan is an excellent product for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, as well as combating skin imperfections, incl. skin diseases. And the secrets of ubtan came to us from India. Making your own ubtan at home is very easy., use even a minimum of components and plain water for dilution. We have given many recommendations on how to prepare ubtan with your own hands, incl. which components are best suited for which skin?

Just try making ubtan yourself or buy ready-made ubtan and see how amazing the result is! Luxurious, smooth, elastic, velvety well-groomed skin - all this is the merit of ubtan!

Write in the comments if you liked the recipe, will you try to make ubtan with your own hands or would you prefer to buy ready-made? Have you found all the components for ubtan where to buy?

49 thoughts on “Ubtan recipe: how to make Ayurvedic ubtan powder with your own hands”

I really liked the ubtan, thank you very much for the valuable information and recipes. Made from oatmeal, blue clay, horsetail, almonds, monarda, sesame oil, sour cream. Delicious smell and pleasant to the touch. After use, the skin is soft and velvety. But redness appeared on the skin. Could it be an allergy?... I wonder what ingredients are neutral, hypoallergenic? Can you tell me a couple of compositions of such ubtan?

Yes, ubtan is normal for the face. But believe me, no ubtan will help cleanse the skin until you cleanse yourself inside the body. I checked it. And until I removed waste and toxins from the body, no creams, peelings or other face masks helped. Now I do a complete body cleanse four times a year. The drug Helmiton helps me with this. It very effectively removes all toxins, and after using the cleansing course you immediately feel light. And the skin, without any creams and masks, becomes healthy.

Thank you! Who can I consult about whether abhyanga and ubtan are possible during pregnancy?

Hello! Please tell me, what can you use to grind herbs and nuts, besides a coffee grinder? Due to the release of oil from the nuts in a coffee grinder it is difficult, almost impossible to do. But you need a fine grind.

Keep all the ingredients in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours before grinding them in a coffee grinder. And everything will work out.