
There is nothing more amazing than the world around us. Everything is so beautiful and complex! It’s as if nature copies itself millions of times. Be that as it may, due to some of its physical properties it carries within itself an element of disorder and various deformities. Mutations are something that is always under a question mark. Immediately after its origin, life is constantly in the process of mutation. Life suffers from an excess of pathological substances, unhealthy energy, chemicals from the environment and other harmful factors that violate the rules of the flow of life. Although the mechanisms for regulating the development of living organisms are evolutionarily old, nature is diverse and forms that deviate from the norm of these mechanisms very often develop. Somewhere there are surpluses, somewhere there are weakening functions. This is how mutants arise

Agenesis is the congenital absence of individual organs and body parts, which usually develop from individual rudiments of the embryo. Compared to other birth defects, agenesis is the rarest type of developmental abnormality.

Agenesis can be divided into several groups depending on which organ or part of the body is missing: 1. Losing all limbs along with the body and brain - disembryogenesis. 2. Absence of individual body parts. 3. Facial dysgenesis. 4. Autosomal dominant agenesis. 5. Mesenchymal derivation. 6. Turner syndrome. 7. Rectal agenesis. 8. Agenesis of part of the oral apparatus.

Number of diseases associated with agenesis