Conjunctivitis Epidemic Acute

Acute epimetic conjunctivitis is an acute inflammation of the eyelids or conjunctiva that develops after contact with a patient. The incubation period can last from 2 to 7 days. The total duration of the disease until recovery is 5-12 days. Conjunctivitis has an incubation (prodromal) period that lasts 7-14 days. This period is accompanied by lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite, the appearance of lacrimation, the release of pus - unpleasant symptoms that almost always accompany manifestations of any disease. The source of the disease is a sick person (or a virus carrier

Acute conjunctivitis – epidemic conjunctivitis

**Epidemic or acute conjunctivitis** is an inflammatory lesion of the conjunctiva of the eyelids, accompanied by redness, swelling, hyperemia, injection of the sclera, and the presence of mucopurulent discharge in the morning.

This is one of the widespread conjunctivitis, and primarily acute adenoviral conjunctivitis, caused by a virus from the paramyxovirus group of the adexovirus family, widespread among the population at any time of the year. In the literature, this inflammatory process is usually called “wild pox” conjunctivitis or “candidal” conjunctivitis. With general epidemic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis is most often observed, sometimes very severe, accompanied by scleritis and other severe general complications, and the general course of the disease may resemble influenza or rheumatism. This is a very dangerous disease that requires emergency medical care, which the professor provided. And in this case, there cannot be infectious patients, since with calomesin poisoning everything quickly dies. Currently, an adenovirus of the third serotype (rod-shaped) has been described, causing acute follicular ulcerative conjunctivitis and transmitted from children. The most severe acute adenovirus occurs in young children, who often suffer from conjunctivitis and, under certain conditions, get it several times a year. It is now considered proven that adenoviral infection always gives a number of repeated outbreaks from 20 to 35%, that is, approximately every third child can become a carrier of the infection. According to Professor Tseymakhn, often acute conjunctivitis is only one of the forms of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, in which the process

Conjunctivitis is an eye infection caused by bacteria, viruses or allergies.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the transparent mucous membrane of the eyeball and the outer part of the eyelid. The mucous membrane in the area of ​​the cartilage of the eyelids is called the conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis is considered a contagious disease. If the incubation period lasts from several hours to a day, a person may not be aware that conjunctivitis is contagious. But if the infection has been in the body for more than 24 hours, the patient is dangerous to others. Whether conjunctivitis is contagious to other people or not at a particular moment can only be determined by an ophthalmologist when examining the affected eye. In any case, conjunctivitis has pronounced symptoms that make it possible to determine the onset of the disease in the patient and protect contact persons. For this purpose, preventive treatment is prescribed. The main complaints of patients with conjunctivitis are: * hyperemia (redness) of the conjunctiva of the eyes in the form of thin stripes at the limbus, * irritation of the eyes (burning, itching), * sensation of a film, as well as the presence of a foreign body behind the eyelids, * photophobia (the symptom becomes pronounced towards evening), * lacrimation, pain in the eyes, swelling of the conjunctiva. Treatment of conjunctivitis at home is permissible only in mild cases. Increased symptoms, fever, weakness, and general condition require