
Aglossia is a rare congenital disease characterized by the absence of tongue in a newborn baby. This condition can be caused by genetic mutations, intrauterine infections, or other factors that affect the development of the fetus in the womb.

Children with aglossia lack a tongue, which usually performs important functions such as swallowing, speaking, tasting and breathing. Because of this, children with aglossia may have serious problems with eating, breathing, and communication.

Children with aglossia may also have a number of other health problems, such as hearing and vision problems, facial and oral abnormalities, and delays in bone and muscle development.

Treatment for aglossia depends on the specific situation and may include surgery, speech therapy, and other support methods aimed at improving the child's quality of life. However, despite all efforts to treat aglossia, children with this condition usually remain with severe limitations in functioning.

In conclusion, aglossia is a rare and severe congenital disorder that causes severe feeding, breathing and communication problems in children. Despite the difficulties associated with treating this disease, modern medicine provides a number of support methods aimed at improving the quality of life of children suffering from aglossia.

Aglossia is a congenital absence of tongue that can be caused by various reasons. This is a rare disease that affects one in a million people.

Aglossia is the result of genetic disorders or damage during pregnancy. The condition may manifest itself as the absence of the tongue, as well as other parts of the mouth such as the lips or palate.

Symptoms of aglossia may include difficulty swallowing, speaking, and breathing. Some people with aglossia may have trouble eating because they are unable to open their mouths fully to chew.

Treatment of aglossia depends on the cause of the disease. In some cases, surgery can help restore the tongue or other parts of the mouth. Treatments to improve tongue and mouth function may also be used.

It is important to note that aglossia can lead to various health problems such as swallowing, breathing and speech problems. Therefore, if you suspect aglossia, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.