Olfactory agnosia

Olfactory agnosia (olfactory agnosia) is a pathological condition characterized by a lack of perception of smells. At the same time, the patient cannot talk about exactly what aromas he smells, and does not understand that he is experiencing pain in the nose or does not smell at all. This disorder can occur for various reasons at any stage of a person's life.

How the sense of smell works The sense of smell plays an important role in our daily lives. With this sense we can detect many different smells and learn about events happening around us.

Olfactory receptors are located in the nasal mucosa and on the palate between the nose and upper lip, as well as in the nasal septum. There are two types of epithelial cells that are particularly sensitive to odors: olfactory cells and supporting cells. Olfactory cells transmit nerve impulses from irritating molecules to olfactory molecules