Agnosia Finger

Agnosia of the finger spot (palomargia, agnosia of the thumb and index finger, a. digiti pollicis et indicis) is a special disorder of visual perception when a person perceives visual images (usually fingers), but cannot recognize them (does not see what they are). Almost always, the function of determining which finger it is when demonstrating it on one’s own hand is impaired (but not always when demonstrating an unfamiliar face, letter, number, etc.). In order to study the phenomena of rod agnosia, a special method was developed. In the experiments of the English psychologist J. K. Excel, K. Harrah, S. Shere, J. O'Connor, R. Kennan, the participants tried to identify specific fingers of their own hand

The patient has a disorder of visual gnosis, which is characterized by the fact that he sees a visual image of an object (naturally in the form of a sign or figure, for example, his own hand), but at the same time he is not able to recognize it. Accordingly, we can say that the patient simply loses the ability to recognize an object familiar to him as part of real reality. That is, he simultaneously sees and does not see