Agranulocytosis Radiation

Agranulocytes are classified as leukocytes that have a short lifespan to protect against infections. When exposed to radioactive rays or passing through poisonous gases, so-called oxidative stress is produced, which causes the destruction of agranulocytes. The body, receiving radiation damage, is no longer able to fight it and begins to destroy itself. Because of this, complete intoxication of the body begins. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels also occur. Ulcers appear on the skin, compromising its integrity. And if a person took some kind of chemical drug, then there is a high probability of complete disruption of the central nervous system, even death.

If radiation damage occurs immediately after irradiation, while agranulocytes are in a state of anabiosis (sleep mode), then their destruction occurs unnoticed. Therefore, it is impossible to control the healing process. But if this moment was missed, then the dead agranulocytes are rejected from the blood without the proper maturation process (phagocytosis).

The presence of agranulocytes in the blood after completion of irradiation may indicate that the person received the lowest dose of radiation compared to other “victims”. For those wondering, is agranulocytes a lethal dose? No, this is far from true. A small percentage of those affected recover in many cases and are given a full chance to live a normal life. It is worth considering that radiation damage can affect not only health, but also offspring. In general, agranulocytes are a dangerous infection that is very insidious.