
Agromania is a pathologically strong desire to live alone in the lap of nature.

People suffering from agromania experience a strong desire to leave the city and settle in the countryside to lead a secluded lifestyle close to nature. They dream of growing their own vegetables and fruits, raising animals and being independent from society.

Agromania can be caused by disappointment in modern society and the bustle of the city. People with agromania often idealize rural life, seeing in it an opportunity for harmony with nature and escape from stress. However, their desire for privacy is extreme, intrusive, and can lead to social isolation.

In general, agromania is considered a form of pathological escape from reality. Although a love of nature and the rural lifestyle is beneficial in moderation, in extreme forms it can create psychological problems.

Agromania: A unique immersion in solitude in the lap of nature

In the modern world, where technology and social connections penetrate all areas of our lives, more and more people feel the need for solitude and close contact with nature. One of the forms that this desire takes is called agromania, or a pathologically strong desire to live alone in the lap of nature.

Agromania is a unique psychological state that differs from the usual desire to take a break from the bustle of the city or spend time in nature. It represents a deeper and more integral aspect of the personality, where the individual experiences a strong desire for solitude surrounded by nature.

For agriculturalists, nature becomes a kind of source of energy and inspiration. They enjoy observing changes in the environment, the sounds of nature, the scents of flowers and the noise of leaves. For them, nature is a place where they can disconnect from everyday worries and enjoy the peace and harmony it offers.

Agromania can manifest itself in various forms, depending on the preferences and capabilities of each person. Some prefer solitude in the forest or on the mountain, where they can enjoy the silence and beauty of wild nature. Others choose farmsteads or country houses, where they can develop gardens, engage in agriculture or raise animals.

For agriculturalists, life in the lap of nature can be a challenge that requires adaptation and learning new skills. They learn to manage the land, grow food, build comfortable homes, and find inner peace in the simplicity and directness of the natural environment. This allows them to feel in harmony with nature and reconnect with the natural cycles of life.

However, agromania does not mean a complete renunciation of the modern world. Many agriculturists combine their love of nature with modern technology to stay connected to the outside world and share their ideas and experiences with other like-minded people. The Internet and social networks have become a platform for knowledge sharing, interaction and support for farmers around the world.

Agromania is not only a desire for loneliness, but also an opportunity to rethink values ​​and priorities. It allows people to gain a deep understanding of their place in the world and strengthen their connection with nature. In the bustle of modern life, agromania provides an opportunity to slow down, enjoy the simplicity and naturalness of the world around us.

While agromania can be an understandable and valuable form of pursuit of nature, it is important to remember that it can also have its limitations and risks. Living in solitude in the middle of nature requires skills and knowledge about survival, handling natural resources and providing for one's needs. Lack of access to necessary services and medical care can be a challenge in emergency situations.

In conclusion, agromania, or a pathologically strong desire to live alone in the lap of nature, is an interesting phenomenon in modern society. It reflects the need of people for close contact with nature, solitude and rethinking of life values. However, it is important to emphasize that agromania must be conscious and based on knowledge and skills to ensure the safety and well-being of those living in seclusion.

Agromania can be a source of deep satisfaction and harmony for those who strive for a life of solitude in the lap of nature. It is important to find a balance between the modern world and nature to enjoy the benefits of both.

Agromania: pathological collectivism or pathological individualism?

Agromania (agromania, agromania, agrmania) is not one disease; it implies many multidirectional symptoms that are in mutually exclusive relationships with each other. That is, you may feel anxious when looking