Pulse in men and women and about the pulse in people of different ages

The pulse in men, due to their significant animal strength and “need for cooling,” is often larger and stronger. Since the “need for cooling” is satisfied in men by a significant pulse value, their pulse is in most cases slower than that of women and less frequent. Any pulse that has sustained strength and beats frequently must necessarily be fast, because speed appears before frequency. Therefore, the pulse in men is both slower and less frequent than in women.

The pulse of children is softer due to the moisture of their nature, weaker and more frequent, because the warmth in them is strong, but the strength is insignificant, since they have not completed their development. The pulse of children compared to the size of their body is large, since their weapons are very soft, the “need for cooling” is great, and the strength compared to the size of their body is not weak, since their bodies are small in size. But their pulse, compared to the pulse of people who have completed their development, is small; however, it is faster and more frequent due to the “need for cooling”. The fact is that a lot of smoky vapor accumulates in the body of children, as they digest rich food, and the vapor constantly re-enters the body. Therefore, they really need to remove it and refresh their innate warmth. As for the pulse of young men, it is excessive in size, but not excessive in speed, but on the contrary, it is very insufficient in this regard, as well as in frequency, and is rather rare; however, the pulse of people in early adolescence is greater, and the pulse of people in mid-adolescence is stronger. We have already explained earlier that the heat of children and young men is almost similar, so that the degrees of need for cooling of heat are close to each other. However, the animal strength of young men is greater, and their pulse reaches such a value that eliminates the need for speed and frequency. The main meaning in what determines the magnitude of the pulse belongs to the animal force, and the “need for cooling” is only a motivating reason, while the instrument is a factor contributing to a large pulse.

The pulse of mature people is smaller in size, this is explained by the weakness of animal strength, and is also less fast for the same reason and due to the lack of “need for cooling.” Therefore, the pulse in mature people is rarer. The pulse of old people, who are far advanced in years, is small, rare, and slow. Sometimes it is soft; the reason for this is foreign fluids, but not natural ones.