Air Bed

Air Bed: comfort and effectiveness in the treatment of burn patients

An Air Bed is a special type of bed with a mattress that has many holes on the top surface. Their purpose is to supply air under pressure through them, thereby creating an air cushion on which the patient lies.

This type of bed is widely used in medical institutions all over the world, including in Russia. It is indispensable for the treatment of burn patients with a large area of ​​damage.

One of the main reasons why the Air Bed is widely used in the treatment of burn patients is that it can relieve pressure on damaged areas of the skin. This is especially important for burn patients, as the affected areas of the skin are very painful and sensitive to pressure.

In addition, the Air bed has a high degree of comfort, which contributes to the patient’s rapid recovery. The air cushion on which the patient lies creates a floating effect, which reduces stress on the skin and reduces pain. The bed also has an adjustable firmness level, which allows you to individually select a comfortable level for each patient.

The Air Bed has another important advantage - it is easy to install and dismantle, which allows it to be used both in stationary conditions and in field practice. In addition, such beds can be used not only for the treatment of burn patients, but also for other categories of patients, for example, for people with bedsores.

In conclusion, the Air Bed is an important medical equipment that helps provide comfort and efficiency in the treatment of burn patients. It has a number of advantages, including minimizing pressure on damaged skin areas, a high degree of comfort and ease of installation. All this makes it indispensable for medical institutions that care about the health and comfort of their patients.


The Air Bed is an innovative medical technology that is used in the treatment of burn patients with a large area of ​​skin damage. This bed is designed to support the body and reduce pain and pressure on injured areas through a built-in air reservoir and holes in the top of the mattress. This treatment method can improve the condition of patients who are in the process of healing burns and reduce the length of hospital stay. The Air Bed can also be used for rehabilitation and prevention of complications in

**Air Bed** is an innovative approach to the treatment and care of patients in various medical institutions. This bed differs from a traditional bed in that it has a mattress in which special holes are made through which compressed air is supplied at high pressure. When the patient lies down on such a bed, he finds himself on an air cushion, which provides him with a comfortable and relaxed body state. It is also worth noting that this bed can be very useful for patients suffering from large area burns to the skin. The high degree of air cushion expansion improves the healing process of the skin and speeds up the recovery process. This is especially important in cases of burns of varying degrees of severity, as well as injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Due to the fact that pressurized air surrounds the patient's body, he feels a feeling of relief and warmth, which is an additional stimulation for wound healing. In addition, when using such a bed, the risk of scarring and scarring on the skin is reduced. Long-term results obtained during the treatment of patients with such beds indicate a noticeable improvement in the patients’ condition and a reduction in pain and discomfort. In general, it is safe to say that the development of such innovative technologies in medicine brings many benefits to patients and doctors involved in the medical field.