Black nightshade and fresh coriander

Bad nightshade, which causes numbness, causes darkening of the linden, dry tongue, hiccups, profuse vomiting of blood and hemoptysis, as well as diarrhea from abrasions with mucus in the mouth that seems to taste like milk.

He treats such patients according to the general rule indicating how to do it, and gives them donkey milk with water sweetened with honey, as well as fresh goat milk with anise. All types of shells help with this, as well as boiled chicken breasts and eating bitter almonds.

If you abuse fresh coriander and eat it about half a rittl or drink at once, or almost at once, up to four cups of its squeezed juice, then this results in dizziness, sadar and clouding of the mind, the voice becomes rough and drowsiness and a state similar to intoxication sets in, with rude drunks conversations and other similar actions, and the person smells of coriander.

It is necessary to induce vomiting in such people, especially with the help of iris oil or olive oil, and best of all - with a decoction of dill in which the bavrac was put, and feed them soft-boiled egg yolks with salt and pepper and fatty chicken broth with a lot of salt and pepper , or goose broth, they are also given strong, clean wine, which they drink little by little. What they eat should have plenty of salt and pepper. Wormwood or Chinese cinnamon, or pepper in wine helps them, and salt water is beneficial - may buktaj is extremely useful for them.