Litzmann S Obliquity

Litzmann's asynclitism (Litzmann S Obliquity) is one of the types of asynclitism, which is characterized by a lateral tilt of the pelvis. The name of this type of asynclitism comes from the name of the German obstetrician Litzmann, who first described this pathology.

Asynclitism is a condition in which the pelvic bones are not in the desired position, making it difficult for the fetus to pass through the birth canal. Asynclitism can be longitudinal or transverse. With longitudinal asynclitism, the pelvic bones diverge along the longitudinal axis, and with transverse asynclitism, along the transverse axis.

Litzmann's asynclitism is a form of transverse asynclitism and occurs due to a lateral tilt of the pelvis. This condition can be caused by various reasons, including abnormal fetal position, enlarged uterus, tumors in the pelvic area, and other factors.

Symptoms of Litzmann's asynclitism may include pain in the pelvic region, difficulty urinating, difficulty breathing, and other manifestations associated with pressure on nearby organs.

To diagnose Litzmann's asynclitism, various methods are used, including ultrasound, x-ray diagnostics and other examination methods.

Treatment for Litzmann's asynclitism depends on its cause and may include conservative methods such as exercise and massage, or surgery.

Thus, Litzmann's asynclitism is one of the types of asynclitism, which is characterized by a lateral tilt of the pelvis. This condition can be caused by various reasons and may present with various symptoms. To diagnose and treat Litzmann's asynclitism, you should consult a gynecologist or obstetrician.

Asynclitism is a concept that relates to geometry and refers to the type of movement of the Earth when its axis of rotation is tilted relative to the Earth's orbit. However, all people have another type of asynclitism, which manifests itself in different aspects of our lives. For example, our brain is not always